Wednesday, September 28, 2011


The National Commission On Fiscal Responsibility And Reform was called the Moment of Truth. It completed its study and made sensible recommendations in December of 2010. The final paragraph of its preamble said: "After all the talk about debt and deficits, it is long past time for America's leaders to put up or shut up. The era of debt denial is over, and there can be no turning back. We sign our names to this plan because we love our children, our grandchildren, and our country too much not to act while we still have the chance to secure a better future for all our fellow citizens".

This moment of truth report on the deficit was an opportunity to begin needed reform. But the proposal died because our selfish political leaders were too ideologically rigid to take on subjects like tax reform, which involve combining Republican and Democratic ideas. The failure to seize that moment was one of the Obama administration's worst errors! Our president failed to lead the way to necessary reform. Our nation is on the brink of disaster because of failed leadership. Let's remember this when we next go to the voting booth.


  1. Dear Lance: So, Google finally allows us to comment to your blog. They must be a bunch of progressives (aka liberals).
    I agree that President 0 has failed to lead, and add that the Congress has failed to follow any kind of rational path.
    They agree on only one thing: That they must do everything in their power to remain in office so the gravey train will continue to roll down the tracks and over our breaking backs.
    A pox on them all,

  2. Dear Famous Author,
    Your truth was poetically expressed. Thanks for your support.
