Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Wow! An awful lot happened in 2011 and it happened fast. Geniuses died, wars ended, monsters were killed, earthquakes and tsunamis killed thousands of people, fruitcakes tried to occupy Wall Street, extreme weather events plagued the world, technology continued making unbelievable advancements, and heroes accomplished amazing things.

Comparatively, I did not accomplish very much but I am pleased with my progress. I enjoyed another year of being a part of a large loving family. I continue to refine and develop my own personal beliefs and Philosophy. Through all the ups and downs, fears, stresses, and common humanity that are a part of life, I have learned that absolute truth is evasive. There are many angles from which to approach events and ideas. I have become acutely aware of the relativity of things. Your point of view is different from mine and I have learned to respect that.

Each year, I become a different person, essentially in flux, always open to new discoveries and insights. I have discovered that everything you were sure is right could be wrong. I have ceased to take things for granted. I have evolved from moral certainty to existential doubt; it was a painful journey but incredibly liberating. I have encountered many people worthy of respect regardless of their opinions and beliefs. I do not despair of the future though it may seem bleak at times. I will continue to pursue interest that stimulate my mind and I am convinced that what is most important is how we relate to one another; how we can be more supportive and help each other live a kinder, fuller, more loving life. Happy new year!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Beautiful Christmas Scenery of Christmas Trees, Christmas Lights, and Colors
Thanks for following my blog

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Brain chemistry or neurochemistry is the complex system which allows the brain to function with the use of chemicals known as neurotransmitters which move information around in the brain. Every person's brain chemistry is slightly different, and a number of factors can play a role in the levels of various neurotransmitters in the brain, and how those chemicals affect the brains function. Scientist believe that variations in brain chemistry may explain a variety of behavioral differences, such as political and religious beliefs. Environment and genetics can influence the levels of neurotransmitters and their receptors in the brain. Using functional magnetic resonance color coded imaging, scientist are seeking to determine if there is a God spot and a political philosophy spot in the brain. They are on the verge of being able to determine if a person believes in the existence of God and if a person is politically conservative or liberal, just by the color of their brain images. At the recent Society For Neuroscience Conference in Washington, D.C., some unprecedented 3D images of the brain were displayed. They indicated that scientist are close to accomplishing their goal!

Some interesting questions come to mind: Is God a delusion created by brain chemistry, or is brain chemistry a necessary conduit for people to reach God? Are people born to be inclined toward belief in God or toward atheism, depending on their brain chemistry? Does brain chemistry affect political beliefs? If so, this puts a whole new spin on the question, "How is your brain wired?" If chemicals in the brain determine what you think, do we really have free will? Can we adjust the chemical balance in a person's brain and change their opinions? Neuroscience is a fascinating but scary new scientific field. I will be following it closely in order to figure out how and what I think!

I am not a member of the Society For Neuroscience and I am not a brain surgeon. I do not guarantee that I know what I am talking about. This blog post is strictly my own uninformed opinion. I do not intend to malign any religion or political philosophy. WARNING: Do not, I repeat, do not try to use your refrigerator magnets to take magnetic resonance images of your brain. I tried it and it dose not work!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


You like the mute button on your TV remote control so you do not have to listen to all those obnoxious advertisements. Well here is something even better! An app called Adblock Plus that eliminates all the advertising from the Internet on your computer screen. It is a free extension available on the Google Chrome Browser and Firefox. I use it on Chrome and it really works. No advertisements to distract you or to slow down your computer. It blocks  pictures, video, and sound that are advertisements. I love it! IMO, Chrome is by far the best browser on the Internet. Now that it is out of beta mode, it is fast and easy to use. Check it out at:   https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom

There are literally thousands of extensions available for Chrome that enable you to tailor make your browser to suit your needs. To see all the apps and extensions that are available for free, go to the Chrome Store:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/home?hl=en
The Web is getting more useful and easier to use. It is truly amazing!