Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thomas Sowell Editorial

This editorial by an economist that I trust is great. You can read it by clicking on his link.

Thomas Sowell


  1. Sowell is an archconservative of some note in that world. He has achieved much after a humble beginning. His words, though, shouldn't be taken to mean that government stops protecting people who through no fault of their own need it. Private charities no longer take care of everyone's needs.
    While the safety net has indeed become a hammock for far too many people, government should try to sort out the truly needy rather than retire from the effort altogether.
    Government here and in Europe is like a pendulum that swings too far in one direction, meets resistence and then swings too far in the other direction. We need for the pendulum to stop somewhere near the middle.
    TsarPat, the clock watcher

  2. Dear clock watcher,
    If the pendulum stops, the clock stops. That's not good. I would prefer a gentle pendulum that does not go too far in either direction. Sowell is Milton Friedman's protege. I think he is very sensible and is trying to stop the pendulum from swinging too far to the left. I wish our president had his brains and his experience.
