Tuesday, May 29, 2012


If you don’t think you are lucky, you almost certainly won’t be. Luck is interpreted and understood in many different ways. A common cliché is, “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” That implies that you can make your own luck. Another definition is, “Luck is good fortune which occurs beyond one’s control.” That implies that luck is consistent with the random walk theory of probability. And then there is the “Devine Providence Theory” which says that God controls your luck. My own personal theory is that positive thinking and faith in your abilities creates good luck. In other words, if you think you will be lucky then, you will be lucky!

Sometimes what appears to be bad luck is good luck in disguise. You must have the ability and confidence to make lemonade out of lemons. We all know deep down that good luck is something that is both very real and highly desirable. That is why it is important to have the positive attitude that will allow it to happen. Look for the best in all situations and recognize how lucky you already are. May lady luck smile on you!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Chipmunks are always in a hurry. They are quick and fast but only have a life span of 3 years. Turtles are never in a hurry. They are very slow but have an average life span of 125 years. Obviously, Cicero was correct when he said, "To live long, live slowly." You can get a lot more done (slowly) in 125 years than you can (quickly) in 3 years. Also, life is less stressful and more enjoyable at a slower pace. Modern society has speeded things up to the point that we feel pressured to be overly active. The fallacy of multitasking has caused us to try to do too many things at the same time. Consequently, not much gets done well. We end up doing a lot of things poorly. My advice is to slow down and live better.

Today's blog is late, short, and not very thoughtful because I am so damn busy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Soon, routine health care will become less expensive and more efficient. It will do this by combining the resources of the health care industry, drug stores, and cloud services on the Internet. The health system will work better for everyone and the cost of care will be drastically less. You will not need an appointment to consult a physician from the comfort of your home. Log on, share your health history and symptoms, receive a diagnosis, and get a prescription. If necessary, basic medical test can be performed at your local drug store and forwarded to your physician via the Internet. Visits with a doctor will cost $45.00 instead of the current average office visit of $100.00 and you save time and money because you do not have to drive to the doctor’s office. Plus, you will be able to get advice from a nurse for no charge.

Most insurance plans will cover the cost of online clinics and the technology will guarantee privacy and security of your health related data. We are still in the early days of this technology but it is developing rapidly. If you would like to visit an early pioneer of the concept, go to: https://nowclinic.com/healthPlanQuery.htm , otherwise, take two aspirin and call me in the morning.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Our ship of state is foundering. We desperately need a new captain. Our current President’s actions and rhetoric are about to sink our ship. Our nation made the mistake of electing a man who had no leadership experience. Consequently, we have been drifting without a rudder towards disaster. Mitt Romney has a proven history of successful leadership in both private industry and government. I believe he has the ability to lead us back to greatness. He knows how to help business create jobs and he knows how to balance our national budget. He is also a man with a history of integrity and compassion towards others. He is a man with Holy underwear who can protect us from underwear bombers. I want a president who will stand up for America and not apologize for our actions around the globe. I want Romney!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Science and theology continue to seek clues as to what life is all about. The ancient controversy, concerning the existence of God, rages on. Both believers and unbelievers admit that there is no iron clad proof of the existence or nonexistence of God. Yet the debate has gone on for thousands of years and will probably continue forever. Recently, both believers and nonbelievers seem to be growing more passionate and the world is becoming more divided. I am sorry to see this development. It does not bode well for the future. We do not need more religious wars. It would be better if we all respected each other’s beliefs and lived in peace. “To each his own” is what I believe. And “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. I think the philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard was right when he said, "Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved."