Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Why does the humming bird hum?
Why is the blue bird blue?
Why is the government dumb?
And what is it, we can do?

Stop it from giving away money,
And taxing me and you,
The problem is not funny,
It stinks a lot, P U !

Billions and billions of debt,
Bonuses for the rich,
Taxes is what we get,
No wonder life’s a bitch!

With the encouragement of our Government and big business, our citizens spent more than they had, lived beyond their means, and abused their credit. That was dumb; and it caused a big, ugly recession. To fix the problem, our Government borrowed billions of dollars and gave it away. That was dumb; and it devalued our dollar, mortgaged our future, and crippled our economy. We must stop this dumbness in our land. Write your congressman and senator. E-mail our President. Tell them to stop being dumb! Tell them to stop spending money they don’t have. And stop borrowing money to give away. Leave our free markets alone and they will again grow strong. We should make all our Government servants (yes, they are supposed to be serving us) read “The Wealth Of Nations” by Adam Smith. He was the father of economics. Our representatives need a refresher course.

The future holds a very big bill,
Get wise while yet you may,
The debit side is increasing,
In a most alarming way,
The things our gov did unceasing,
For them, we must all pay!

Fueled by President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package, the US budget deficit is projected to be $1.6 Trillion! Spending, borrowing, and debt are out of control. This is a dire situation. This is an unmanageable burden on future generations. We must stop the dumbness in Washington.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Very bad idea created by uninformed, power hungry, Federal Bureaucrats of the liberal persuasion. These bleeding hearts say everyone has a right to have health care, and the government should control it. They also say that having government health care will reduce the cost and improve the quality of health care. This idea is a misguided recipe for a national disaster. Let's look at some history. Let's look at some facts. Everyone has a right to health insurance and health care only if they can pay for it. Everyone has a right to food and shelter, if they can pay for it. In this world, no one has a right to any service or product if they are unwilling or unable to pay for it. I'm sorry, but that is how it is.

The poor among us are currently being taken care of by charity, existing government programs, and family. They are not starving to death,and they do receive basic medical care and shelter. It would cost billions of dollars (which the government cannot afford) to extend benefits to them similar to the benefits enjoyed by hard working people who have to pay for it.

Can anyone in their right mind think that the government can do something more efficiently than private enterprise? I don't think so! In this day and age, we are privatizing government services because the government cannot do it as economically. Of course, the government is needed for national defense, maintenance of infra structure, safety regulations, and enforcement of laws to protect our citizens.

Health care insurance is currently provided, primarily, by the Blue Cross Companies. Because of free market competition, they have become as efficient as possible. They pay out 95% of premiums in benefits. A 5% expense factor is pretty damn good. Also, for the most part, policyholders are happy with the service. The alarming increase in the cost of health care is caused by two factors: First of all, rapid development of expensive medical technology. Secondly, clients of medical service providers have no incentive to "shop" and to make reasonable economic decisions. Because they have insurance coverage, usually provided by their employer, they have no idea what services are costing. Furthermore, since they have the coverage, they say, "give me all those expensive tests and procedures_I don't care what it cost!" So, what is the solution? I think high deductible health insurance is what is needed. Let's have catastrophe coverage but not provide coverage for basic health care. If we did that, people would start asking, "how much does that cost?" and "Do I really need to have it done?" and Whoa, I think I will shop around. These are the questions that would put a brake on medical cost inflation.

Oh, by the way, because of the negative feed back from townhall meetings, Obama and Pelosi are now saying that they could accept a nonprofit health care cooperative as an alternative to a new government insurance plan. Guess what folks; Blue Cross is a nonprofit cooperative! I guess we already have the needed reform.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Revolutionary Sailing Ship

The Caravel is a sailing ship that was developed by the Portuguese in the late 1400's, and was used for the next 300 years. It was an improvement on older ships because it could sail into the wind. Caravels were broad-beamed ships that had 2 or 3 masts with square sails and a triangular sail, on the bow, called a lateen. They were about 65 feet long and could carry 130 tons of cargo. Christopher Columbus’ ships, the Nina and the Pinta, were Caravels. The revolutionary design of these ships enabled Columbus to discover America and get back home to brag about it. Before the Caravel, sailing ships could only sail with the wind. In order to go against the wind, they had to drop their sails and be rowed. This was not practical for long voyages of discovery.

The first sailboats, which were used for thousands of years, used square sails and did not have a rudder or a keel. When a rudder, a keel, and a lateen sail were added, ships were “magically” able to sail into the wind! This was truly a revolutionary innovation created by the Portuguese. To understand how it works, you have to be knowledgeable about mathematics, physics, and aeronautics. The simple explanation is: wind pressure on the side of the triangular sail, opposed by an opposite pressure of water against the keel and the rudder, causes the boat to “squirt” forward; much like a watermelon seed that is squeezed by your fingers. Obviously, the ship can’t sail directly into the wind, but it can sail at a 45-degree angle to the wind. This allows it to tack back and forth and make headway into the wind. This was a very brilliant invention!

I love to sail for pleasure. It is my favorite summer pastime. I did not learn how to sail until I was 50 years of age. I bought an old Lightning and raced it (with a crew of 3) against other Lightning boats on weekends. It took quite awhile to learn the technique of sailing and to learn all the rules of racing. After 5 years of effort, I finally won the Captains’ Trophy; it was a proud day for me. Until that time, I capsized so many times that I renamed the boat, “OVER EASY”. I also had the embarrassing incident of running into another boat that had the right of way. A few years ago, I quit racing and sold the Lightning. Now, I enjoy sailing my little sunfish. It is a noncompetitive, relaxing activity.

I raise my sail,
And glide away,
With no travail,
I'm off to play!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


This blog is dedicated to the Bally Girls: Gloria, Vicky, Wanda, Kathy, Robin, Jane, Sue, Nancy and especially to their friend and mentor, Jan. A lovely group of beautiful women to whom my good friend, Jim Purcell, and I served Pina Coladas. It was their annual meeting at the Bollin Spa. This years theme was "survivors". These girls are definitely survivors. They are smart, sophisticated, and very "today". Most of what they discussed was over my head. They talked a lot about a guy named "Johnson" who hung out at their Health Club. They seemed to hold him in high regard. He had a special attraction that is hard, to explain.

Of course, they exchanged recipes for food, love, and life. Being a part of an all female party was an education for Jim and me. I can't share everything I learned because of the Cabana Boy's oath of confidentiality. But one thing that surprised me was their vast knowledge of male sports.

A difference between men and women was emphasized. Men have only a few things to say, then, they are done talking. Woman are never done talking. These girls talked all night and half of the next day! I was amazed at how much they had to talk about. There was never a lull in the conversation. In fact, I had a difficult time getting them to be quiet long enough for me to read a poem. Once I got started, they did seem to enjoy a Poetry Reading. Like I mentioned, these are sophisticated woman. I am looking forward to being their Cabana Boy at next year's party. Oh yeah, as to why women, who drink Pina Coladas, like to walk in the rain; I haven't the foggiest!
I have been studying women for fifty years and they are still a mystery. That is part of their charm.


Quick of Wit,
And very fit,
On my lap she likes to sit,
I like her a little bit,
A Bally Girl is really it!