Monday, September 2, 2013


                                                      CHAPTER SIX

After returning his rent-a-camel, Hairy went back to the Concord El Sadam Hotel and met  Amed U-Checkmeit in the game room.  While playing a game of lightning chess, they were communicating in the coded language of blink-blink. Blinking furiously, Amed was giving Hairy some disturbing news. It seems there was a security camera at the Mena House Cabaret that had recorded Hairy’s deadly dance of death. The terrorists used the film to identify Hairy and Egypt's Grand Mufti issued a fatwa death sentence on him. Egypt’s most famous assassin, a one-legged tap dancer named Altair Ibn hoppeen, was in charge of the search. All the airports and passenger ship terminals were being watched. Amed told Hairy his only chances for escape would be an African safari across the desert or a one man sailboat up the Nile River and across the Mediterranean.

Because Hairy’s hairy butt was sore from the camel ride, he chose the sailboat option. In the past, He had won many single-handed sailboat races and was an excellent sailor. He chose the traditional sailboat of the Nile, a felucca. They are easy to sail upriver because of an adjustable centerboard used to compensate for shallow spots on the river. Also, they were excellent for catching the predominately southern breeze. Once he got to the Mediterranean, he planned on trading up to a more seaworthy vessel with a keel in order to cross the Mediterranean to a port in Greece. He figured it would be easy to catch a flight at a Greek Airport and fly back to Chicago to check on the Nuclear Power Plant. All and all, Hairy felt like he was on an adventure vacation. Life was pretty damn good!

                                            Pyramids Picture 

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