Yes, under the public option government insurance plan, which eliminates exclusions for preexisting conditions, you can buy coverage even after your canoe has capsized! You can wait until you have an accident and then buy coverage to cover your hospital bills. You can wait until you have an illness and then buy coverage for your hospital bills. What a marvelous plan! How can they do that? Easy, they just make everyone buy health insurance. If you refuse to buy coverage, the government will make you pay a hefty fine. Never mind that the people who cannot afford the health insurance premium will, also, not be able to pay the fine. But if they don’t pay the fine, the government will put them in jail. But wait, that’s OK because then the government will pay their cost of health care (as well as their cost for food and shelter).
There are a couple of things to worry about. How much will it cost to verify that 300,000,000 people are properly insured for health care expenses? And how much will it cost to administer all those fines that won’t be paid? And how in the world will the government pay for all those expensive preexisting conditions? Oh, here’s an idea. The government can guarantee payment of health expenses incurred by each citizen by putting it on a Chinese debit card. A couple of trillion dollars added to our debt to China won’t even be noticed. And what about the destruction of our private insurance companies who won’t be able to compete against a government plan that gives away money. Oh well, in the face of an unstable economy and an uncertain future, I guess we don’t need private insurance companies. We have the government to take care of us!????
In the year 2009, many Americans and illegal visitors cannot take care of themselves. They can barely function beyond the welfare state if at all. They are a significant issue for the future of this country as well as health care. Health care changes (we'll never get real reform from this government) must be part of a long-term plan to raise the intellectual level of all citizens. One way to help force it to happen is to deny the right to vote to those who do not meet minimum levels of qualification. That in turn would end the welfare state and create a Darwinian winnowing process, which would be a kind and relatively painless way to do the job. Tsar Pat