Wednesday, December 29, 2010


OK, I admit it. I suffer from bibliophillia. I love the feel of a book in my hands. I love looking at books. I love collecting books. And, of course, I love reading books. Over the years I have acquired: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, a leather bound set of the Britannica Encyclopedia, A leather bound collection of the Great Books Of The Western World, Will Durant’s 11 volume Story Of Civilization, The 20 volume set of The Annals Of America, and hundreds of best seller books. In fact, I have no room left for more books. The answer to my dilemma was a Kindle Reader, which I received for Christmas.

When I first heard about the Kindle, I thought I would never want one. How could it compete with real, physical books that you hold in your hands? Why would you want to get eyestrain from a glowing computer screen? Wow, was I ever wrong! My storage problems are over because I can store more than 3000 books on my tiny (8 inch by 5 inch and ½ inch thick) Kindle. As for eyestrain, there is none because of the E Ink technology used by the Kindle. It has better contrast and sharper text than paper and ink. There is no glare like there is on a backlit LCD screen. It looks like paper and ink but better. It can even be easily read in bright sunlight. I find it much easier to read a Kindle than to read a conventional book.

Some of the Kindle’s features that I really enjoy are: Ability to change the font size, Instant definitions from the built-in dictionary, The ability to highlight text electronically, I can make notes as I read, I can share meaningful passages with friends with built-in Twitter and Facebook integration, I can save quotes, notes, and highlights in a file and have access to them when I finish a book. This is a huge advantage of digital over printed books! The price of digital books is substantially less than printed books and I have access to 30,000 classic books that are free; Yes, I said FREE! You can have one of these miraculous inventions for only $139. I recommend that you get one.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It is very clear to me that the long term costs of our growing national debt is far more damaging than the short-term cost of our economic sluggishness. But our government has approved another federal stimulus package that will force us to add $838 billion to our $14 trillion debt. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans made any attempt to cut spending to help pay for it. Instead, they tacked on pet projects and “gifts” for lobbyist such as a tax break for the Rum distilleries. The tax cut deal made by President Obama and the Republican congressional leaders was blatantly irresponsible. If they had trimmed $56 billion from the vast federal budget to pay for extended jobless benefits, that would have made sense. And, if they had made some other spending cuts to pay for continuing the Bush era tax cuts that would have been good. But no, the same people who were voicing concern about the red ink just weeks ago went ahead and, with a shocking and shameful disregard for the reality of our economic situation, spent money we do not have.

Obama calls it a tax cut deal but in reality it was an agreement to not increase taxes by continuing the cuts already put in place by Bush. In itself, that was a good move but they forgot to balance their budget and cut spending. What the government gives, it must ultimately take away from its citizens. A day of reckoning is coming. Our citizens are going to have to pay for what these politicians are giving away. We need to stop them before our country goes bankrupt!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


All right, I admit it. Last week’s blog was a gimcrack one. It was rather tasteless to suggest a plug-in that you place in your ass in order to understand all that Internet information. But, think about it; don’t we need some help making use of all that complicated knowledge? It may not be a smart ass plug-in but we need something to help us. Wouldn’t it be great to actually understand and use information such as “Boolean Logic”? AND, OR, NOT operators could be very helpful, if we knew how to use them. Why, we could even write computer language if we knew how to use zeros and ones. I have studied Homomorphisms and Isomorphisms but I still do not have the slightest idea what the heck they are. Propositonal calculus is way over my head. It would be great to plug in something somewhere and have instant understanding. Unlike Socrates, the only thing I know is that I do not know everything. Maybe it’s better that way.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


We have experienced the Internet, E-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Smartphones, WikiLeaks, Global warming, Economic meltdown and the crazy Organic food fad. What’s next? Whatever it is, it will only last about 20 minutes and then the next big thing will come along. The world is changing faster and faster. I can’t keep up. My next big thing is to escape from this world and go to the world of pleasant literature. I will put on my Bose noise cancelling headphones and spend my time reading 3,500 good books on my new Kindle Reader. Don’t bother me unless you have some good news. Now that would be a really big thing!

Technological changes are happening faster than most humans can assimilate them. For example, the Internet now has all the information and knowledge necessary to do anything but people do not have the intelligence and skill to take advantage of it. What we need is an app that would allow us to understand and use all that stuff. I am suggesting a plug-in that you put in your ass. It would be called the smart ass plug-in! 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I got up late and was surprised to see snow on the ground. First of December and the season’s first snow came down. The first of anything is always surprising. There are many “firsts” in a lifetime. Most of them are delightful but some are not. We tend to remember the best and worst “firsts” in our life. Especially, births and deaths are remembered. What a joy it is when your first child comes along but what awful sadness when your first parent dies. Life seems to be balanced that way. I try to stay focused on the good, not the bad. For instance, my first love and my first marriage (I only had one) and my first family are my greatest joy (thank you Nancy)! 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


No leaves are left on my trees,
Signals of winter coming are clear,
From the North comes a cold breeze,
Tis hunting season, neighbor shot a deer,
Dark clouds say the ground will soon freeze,
Thanks are definitely in order so I give them here:

I am thankful for and delighted with the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic somewhere behind the morning. The gift of life is precious and I am thankful for it. The gift of being a part of a large, loving family is the best gift of all. There are so many things to be thankful for that it is impossible to list them all. So, I shall simply say, “THANKS!”

O. Henry said, "There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is purely American"

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Mine is brobdingnagian but I suffer from lethologica. This does not discourage me from engaging in adoxography. I have been accused of being a philosophunculist as well as an inaniloquent person. However, the people who say these things usually get the dactylion from me. The lady next door is a callipygean and my friend in Pennsylvania is a gambrinous fellow who is usually capernoited. I am guilty of alphamegamia and anopisthography but strikhedonia helps me to cope. My wife is a hopeless cruciverbalist but I love her anyway. I hope that my witzelsucht does not vex you.

Thanksgiving is coming and we will soon be guilty of abligurition and cleptobiosis. We will be in a happy farctate with borborygmus. I plan on being a ventipotent, pyknic celebrant. If you knew the meaning of all the words used in this blog, you have won a worthless prize equal in value to Obama’s Noble Peace Prize. Congratulations!

“By words the mind is winged”! _Aristophanes  

Friday, November 12, 2010


I just returned from Myrtle Beach, SC. where this year’s Firefighter Combat Challenge, World Championship was held. I was there to cheer for the 5-man relay team from the Fire Department at Artesia, NM. They are a small team from a small town in the New Mexico desert. At the regional competition, they were a surprise qualifier for the final World Championship. They were the first team from Artesia to ever qualify for the “Olympics Of Firefighting”. The team members are: Jeffrey Bishop, Toby Bratcher, Alfredo Garcia, Kyle Luginbyhl, and Marcus Teets. The competitors race against the clock as they simulate real-life firefighting by performing five tasks including climbing a 5 story tower, hoisting fire hoses, chopping, dragging hoses and rescuing a life-sized, 175 lb dummy. They did not win the championship but they had a new personal best time and they beat a lot of other teams.

After watching the competition, I have new respect for firemen. The physical demands of their profession are extraordinary. Their desire to save lives and property are commendable. They are heroes with strong bodies and trained minds who are ready to save you. Besides all of that, they are very nice people. I am proud to be the father of a firefighter. It is nice to know that there are people in this world who are trying to help others!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


No shots were fired, no heads were cut off, and nothing was blown up. Unlike most of the rest of the countries in the world, we can have a peaceful change in political power without death and destruction. That is the wonderful thing about our great democratic republic. The people rule through the process of voting. Yes, I know that the people do not always figure out the best way to proceed, but after trial and error and the effect of the pendulum syndrome, we have been able to build and maintain the best and the most powerful nation in the history of the world. I feel thankful and fortunate to be a part of it. My vote did count!

The Rent’s Too High Party, the Third Finger Party, the Taxed Enough Party, The Arrogant Bastard’s Party, and all the other quirky Parties of America had their say and now it is time to change direction and try to do better. I am sure that something good will happen; I hope!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


A time that changed the world, the Reformation not only gave birth to Protestantism, but also brought about social, political, and economic changes. The established Catholic Church violently protested this rebellion of authority. The resulting long bitter war caused turmoil for a hundred years. On the anniversary of this momentous event I thought it would be appropriate to look at the current status of religion in America.

Coincidentally, a new survey of religious affiliation by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life just became available. The report shows that every religion is losing members, but the Roman Catholic Church has experienced the greatest loses. The survey also indicates that the group that had the greatest gain was the unaffiliated. More than 16% of American adults say they are not a part of any organized faith, which makes them the country’s fourth largest “religious group”. For more details, you can see the entire report at

As a nonreligious person, I wonder why, with all the abuses, scandals, and illogical ideas religion is responsible for, is religion still so powerful? And what about all those modern scientific discoveries that prove that much of the Bible is just not true? I think the answer is that people need connections and community to live. It is about family, tradition, consolation, ethics, memories, and more. No one wants to give these things up because of a lack of belief in a god. The truth is that at the present time, the above list of social goods is hard to find outside of a religious affiliation. At the important times of our lives_ when our loved ones are sick and dying; when a baby is born; when we want to affirm our love in marriage; when we want to educate our children about important values_ we need to be part of a group. In my opinion, this is why there are many nonbelievers active in a church. Eventually, maybe Secular Humanism will offer an alternative to the church’s community.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


On November 2, 2010, we have a civic duty to vote in the general election. The first step toward informed voting lies in determining your own personal preferences as to public problems you are most concerned with and the solutions you prefer. The second step lies in determining which candidates come the closest to sharing your preferences. Most political statements, commercials, and campaign literature are filled with misrepresentations, omissions and lies. Freedom of speech, as guaranteed by our constitution, allows them to say anything and, unfortunately, they do! So, I find the best source for sorting out the truth about candidates is a nonpartisan organization that has a reputation for honesty and integrity. Nationally, I recommend  In Michigan, I recommend

It is important to vote AFTER you have thoroughly informed yourself as to who and what you will be voting for and why. Most people don’t have a clue and that is very sad.
Be a good citizen and vote intelligently. Exercise your right or lose it!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Much like old age snuck up on me, the digital Internet has taken over the world before I knew what was happening. E-mail, entertainment in the form of videos and games, education through virtual universities, research through online reference works, music, news, and shopping for any thing you might want. Oh yeah, I almost forgot social networks. Web sites have all the existing information in the world! There is much good that has resulted from the Internet but there is also a dark side.

Fifteen years ago Ian Clarke, an Irish teenager with a flair for inventions, created a revolutionary new way for people to use the Internet with complete anonymity. By downloading Clarke’s software, anyone can use the Internet without detection. It is called Freenet and can be installed with minimal computer skills in a couple of minutes. Needless to say, it is used for all kinds of nefarious purposes such as bomb making instructions for terrorist and child pornography. “The Darkweb” is the fastest growing part of the Internet and is 400 times the size of the commonly defined www. Experts say that Google is bringing to the surface a very small fraction of “The deep web”. Law enforcement and government agencies have been trying to crack it and have had some success.

Professor Juliana Freire of the University of Utah, who is leading a deep web search project called Deep Peep, says, “It’s not feasible to index the whole deep web because of sheer scale. There is just too much data”. The Internet continues to expand in unpredictable and messy surges. I wonder where we go from here? And I wonder if we really want to go there.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Two Russian physicists, specialist in the science of Quantum physics, have won the Nobel Prize for investigating the properties of graphene. Oh, you did not study Quantum physics in school? It is the study of the behavior of matter and energy at the tiny level of atoms. Scientific laws do not function the same in these small realms. For instance, observing something actually influences the physical processes taking place. Just “looking” at something can make it do something weird. Matter can go from one spot to another without moving through the intervening space. Information moves instantly across vast distances. The entire universe is actually a series of probabilities. Yikes, now that is weird!

You ask, “What the hell is graphene?” Graphene is a form of carbon that is the thinnest, strongest, and hardest material in the world. Imagine some saran wrap stretched across a cup, supporting the weight of a truck bearing down on a pencil point. It is that strong! It also can transmit electricity faster and better than copper. Imagine the potential applications of this stuff. It is mind-boggling.

OK, so you are wondering how these preeminent scientists discovered this stuff, right? Surprisingly, it did not occur during their regular workweek. On Friday evenings they like to have a few shots of vodka and play around with fun, improbable research. For example, they once managed to levitate a frog in a magnetic field. It was during one of their fun Friday nights that they discovered the ability to peel very thin layers off of pencil graphite with Scotch tape. Voila, with these thin sheets of graphite, they were able to create Graphene. This is a great example of how You do not need huge resources or a Harvard University to do something amazing.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I recently visited a National Historic Landmark in Pittsfield, Massachusetts called the Hancock Shaker Village. It brings the Shaker story to life and preserves it for future generations. The Shakers are one of the most intriguing social and religious movements in American history. The Shaker population reached its peak of 5,000 in the mid-19th century. Today, it has disappeared because they were celibate and did not procreate. Believers gave up private property and worked for the common benefit of the group. Sexual relations were prohibited and men and women lived in strictly enforced separation. They attempted to transform sexual energy into creativity, thereby facilitating a mystical awakening. They were called Shakers because of the whirling, dancing, and other ecstatic movements that would overcome them during worship. This was thought to be a spiritual and physical means of shaking off their sins. The Shakers have disappeared but their cultural contributions are still with us. They were fascinating but misguided people. Now, you know that rock and roll dancing was invented to get rid of our sins!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The main business of modern philosophers is to use logical analysis to try to understand profound questions of importance to mankind. So far, the human intellect has been unable to find conclusive answers to questions such as: "Does God exist?” "Is there such a thing as human immortality?" Yes, faith in religious dogma gives an answer to some people but this truth is still hidden from science and pure human logic. We have made great progress in answering questions such as: “What is space and time?” “What is mind and what is matter?” These questions were formerly obscured by the fog of metaphysics but now are answered with precision and by objective scientific methods. The ancient philosophers would be amazed by what we now know. They were concerned with the nature of the world and the best way of living. They kept inventing “proofs” that confirmed their theories but the next historical philosopher would disprove that theory and offer “proofs” of his theory. For every philosopher, there was an equal and opposite philosopher and unfortunately, they were all wrong. Today’s philosophers are getting closer to the truth by using scientific methods. However, in my opinion, they have a long way to go. The only thing I know is, “I think therefore I am”__Renee Descartes.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


On October 16th, Nancy and I will celebrate 44 years of marriage. On September 25th, my youngest son, Marcus, (age 32) will marry Julia. He is the last of our 5 children to enter into matrimony. Looking forward to an anniversary and a wedding ceremony got me thinking about the institution of marriage. When did it start? Why do people enter in to it? How do you define it? How has it changed since it’s beginning? It predates recorded history and has changed dramatically over the years. One of the oldest known marriage laws was recorded in Hammurabi’s Code enacted in ancient Mesopotamia. Confucius said, “Marriage is the union of two different surnames, in friendship and in love.” Christians quote Jesus, “So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” In Ancient Greece, no specific ceremony was required for the creation of a marriage—only mutual agreement was required. For most of European history, marriage was a business agreement between two families who arranged the marriages of their children. In modern times it is a legal contract recognized by the government and a religious authority. The act of marriage changes the personal and social status of the individuals who enter into it. Now days, romantic love and affection are considered essential. I say, “Show me a marriage with humor and I’ll show you a healthy marriage! I hope Marcus and Julia have as much laughter as Nancy and Harry.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Islam must turn other cheek.

This is a terrific editorial! I could not agree more. Nolan Finley is a genius! Please click and read.

Islam must turn other cheek | | The Detroit News

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


High definition, digital radio has been around for a few years but the public is not generally aware of it. Up until recently, HD Radio tuners were expensive and did not perform very well. Now, they are inexpensive and the technology has been improved. My audiophile brother-in-law recently gave an HD tuner to me as a gift. I love it! AM radio sounds like FM stereo and FM radio sounds like a perfect stereo, compact disc recording. The sound quality is unbelievable. This is much better than satellite radio and it is free! If the primary digital signal is lost, the HD Radio receiver will revert to the analog signal, thereby providing seamless operation between the newer and older transmission methods.
No hiss, no static, no distortion and no subscription costs. This is the biggest improvement in radio broadcasting in 50 years. You should take advantage of it. My brother-in-law recommends the SONY FM/AM DIGITAL TUNER XDR-F1HD. It works great for me. Thanks Bill!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


One of the joys of retirement is the ability to study subjects that I had no time for when I was busy earning a living and raising a family. My latest endeavor is to learn more about philosophy. I decided to start with the ancient philosophers and work my way up to the modern philosophers. Presently, I am up to Socrates, who was a Greek philosopher in Athens 500 years before Christ. Today, he is considered the father of political philosophy, ethics, and moral philosophy. He is also known for inventing the scientific method of inquiry using a hypothesis. Ironically, he was sentenced to death by poison for corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens. His last words before he died: “Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius. Please, don’t forget to pay the debt.” Asclepius was the Greek god for curing illness, and it is thought that Socrates’ last words meant that death is the cure, and freedom of the soul from the body. He said a lot of weird things and his most famous quote is, “I only know that I know nothing”.

Much can be learned from the philosophers. Here is what I have learned, so far: Clear thinking is the most important requisite for right living. The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Neither love without knowledge nor knowledge without love can produce a good life. A ham sandwich is better than nothing. Nothing is better than eternal happiness. A ham sandwich is better than eternal happiness! Logic can be fun.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The Bally Babes second annual party at Jan’s lake house was a huge success. Once again, I was the token male serving rum swizzles and acting as their cabana boy. Arts and crafts, games, story telling, and philosophy were on the agenda. I found the girls to be deep thinkers with important lessons to share. One of their stories was about a Swedish goat lover. This story made me laugh until I cried, but contained on important message about life.

The vacation in Amish country was enjoyable. We stayed with the Miller family on their dairy farm. They are completely independent from the rest of the world. They have their own natural gas well, a windmill, 6 Belgian workhorses, and a herd of 40 milk cows. They create their own electricity and have no need for public utilities. They produce or make everything that they need. No automobiles, no telephones, and no radio or television.  Their life style was a beautiful example of how to live a good life. They try to live a life that is more Christ-like. Regardless of your religion or lack of religion, if we all lived a life like Christ, the world would be a better and happier place. No wars, just love and cooperation.

The annual fish fry at the Lutheran Church Of The lakes will be on this coming Saturday. It is always a fun and delicious event and it is a fundraiser for local charity. You can be charitable and have a good time. One elderly man catches most of the 3000+ fish in our local lakes. He filets and freezes them in a matter of weeks. It is truly an amazing accomplishment that shows what a man can do if he puts his mind to it. Or, who knows, it might be a miracle!  

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Ah, the simple life of the Amish. No cars, no telephones, no TV or radio, no Internet, just a peaceful life that is separate from the rest of the world. No pride, envy, vanity, laziness, dishonesty_just hard work, an unassuming character, love of friends and family, and respect for the community. Sounds so good that I decided to try it. Next week, we are spending a few days with the Miller family on their third generation Amish farm. It is the only Bed and Breakfast owned and operated by an Amish family. It is located in the World’s largest Amish community which is in central Ohio. We will be participating in the farm’s dailey events and enjoying their simple and pure life.

Also, we will be touring the area looking for furniture, quilts, toys, and other Amish handicrafts. And of course, we will have to sample their wonderful food and baked goods. We will visit the Amish & Mennonite Center in Berlin. It has some spectacular artwork that tells the story of how the Amish evolved from the Anabaptist in Europe during the reformation and was subjected to terrible torture and death by the government-controlled churches. It is no wonder that they elected to immigrate to America where there was a freedom of religion separate from the government.

The Amish blueprint for expected behavior is the Ordnung. The purpose of the Ordnung is to guide Amish behavior into being more Christ-like. An important part of Amish life is “yieldedness”, letting be, or submission to the will of God. It is seen in the following aspects of Amish life:
  • Personality reserved, modest, calm, quiet
  • Values: submission, obedience, humility, simplicity
  • Symbols: dress, horse, carriage, lantern
  • Structure: small, informal, local, decentralized
  • Ritual: baptism, confession, ordination, foot-washing
Amish church membership begins with baptism, usually between the ages of 16 and 25. It is a requirement for marriage, and once a person has affiliated with the church, she or he may only marry within the faith. Church districts average between 20 and 40 families and worship services are held every other Sunday in a member’s home. The rite of foot washing is included in their communion ceremony.

The Amish are hard working people with deep-rooted faith and commitment to God, family and community. They are meticulous farmers who practice the virtues of work and thrift. Farming sustains their way of life. They work their farms to take care of their families. I commend them and admire them. (But I couldn’t live like that!)


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Life is meaningful from beginning to end, but mysterious in many ways. One would need an intuitive understanding of the quantum nature of the universe to understand its fundamental structure. The layered mysteries of this world serve to stimulate human reasoning but so far, nobody has been able to figure it all out. When one mystery is solved, the solution creates even more mysteries. Can you solve these mysteries?

Why do you call it an asteroid when it is outside the hemisphere, but call it a hemorrhoid when it’s up your ass? 

If there is nothing we can do about the weather, why do some idiots think we are causing Global Warming?

You know that little indestructible black box used on planes, why can’t they make the whole plane out of the same substance?

When someone asks you, “A penny for your thoughts”, and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?

When following a slow moving car on the highway, why are there no cars coming at you in no passing zones but as soon as you come to a pass with care zone, there are a bunch of cars coming so that you cannot pass?

If God made the universe, who made God? And if who made God, who made who? And so on…

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


On slow news days, some reporter will interview an extremely old person to find out their secret to a long life. Their answer, invariably, includes some combination of the following: don't smoke, don't drink alcoholic beverages, don't over eat, don't eat red meat, don't have unprotected sex, don't engage in hazardous activities, don't quit working, don't break any laws, and don't forget to wash your hands. That's a lot of "don'ts" just so you can live long enough to experience pain in your joints, loss of memory, regret for not having any fun and enjoyment in your lifetime. I don't think "don'ts" are the answer. One of my heroes is George Burns. He lived to be 100 years of age and while drinking a martini and smoking a cigar every day. Not all of us can be that lucky but whatever age we can attain while we DO ENJOY  life is the right age for us. That is my recommendation and I am sticking to it!

p.s. Some moderation should apply to your favorite vices.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We do not know the religion practiced by William Shakespeare. He could have been a Catholic, a Protestant, an Atheist or who knows what. The scholars, who study his works and his history, have not been able to determine his religion. To me, this is a surprising mystery. He is the most influential literary figure of the last 500 years but we know very little about this genius. He left no memoirs, he did not write an autobiography. Through the characters in his many plays, he commented on religion in all its aspects but what were Shakespeare’s beliefs? He was a dramatist who made his characters express opinions that were suitable for them, but which may not have been those of the poet. Knowledge of his religion would be very helpful in understanding the man and his works. All he left us is, “Shakespeare’s Complete Works”. No personal notes and no clues as to his private beliefs. He is the greatest playwright who ever lived but his religion remains a mystery.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Presidents, Spies, Poets, Cowboys, and common men, they all played poker but Wild Bill Hickok was, perhaps, the most famous poker player of all. He died in Deadwood, South Dakota in July of 1876. He was playing draw poker in the Nuttal and Mann’s Saloon #10. There were a lot of gamblers and gunmen in town, including Johnny Varnes, who had lost all his money to Hickok in a game at the Senate Saloon of Denver, Colorado. Varnes was afraid of Wild Bill and he tried to hire quick draw artists to kill Wild Bill but they all turned done the offer. So, he hired “Crooked Nose” Jack McCall to do a cowardly, sneak attack. He shot bill in the back of his head as he sat at the poker table with Mann, the gunman Charles Rich, the Irish Wrestler Con Stapleton, and Captain Willie Massie, a steamboat pilot. Bill’s fingers were still holding his poker hand_two pair, aces and eights and a kicker, nine of diamonds. Thus was born the legend of the dead man’s hand.

The name of the book is, COWBOYS FULL, THE STORY OF POKER. The author is: James McManus. I found this book to be a wonderful history of how poker has affected America from Teddy Roosevelt to Barack Obama. The riverboat gamblers were fascinating! The story is filled with interesting history. Yes, I recommend this book.
Wild Bill Hickok

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


There are 5000 varieties of potatoes and they are one of the most cultivated vegetables in the world. Because of their high nutritional value, it is possible to live on only a diet of potatoes. They enhance the function of the brain. They are recommended to cure intestinal inflammation. The antioxidants from potatoes make your skin healthy. They strengthen your immune system and help protect you from cancer. They are rich in vitamin B6, which enhances brain cell activity, which can keep depression away. It is impossible to gain weight by eating potatoes unless you make French fries out of them. If you have a weakened digestive system, it is beneficial to eat potatoes because the rich carbohydrate content is easily digested and gives you energy.

When I climbed the Andes to reach Machu Picchu, my Inca Indian guides fed me delicious potato dishes on the trail. Nobody knows potatoes like the Inca Indians. After all, they discovered and cultivated them thousands of years ago in Peru. Ireland has some wonderful potato recipes but the potato did not reach Ireland until the sixteenth century. I have enjoyed famous potato dishes in Dublin, as well. The Spanish like potatoes and they became popular in Spain after a sudden belief started gaining ground that the potato tuber contained aphrodisiac qualities. I did not like the potatoes that I had in Barcelona.

Today, I have harvested some beautiful red skin potatoes from my garden. I will prepare them for tonight’s dinner. I am certain they will keep me healthy and sexy!

I love potatoes, they're awesome, they're great,
I eat potatoes when I awake,
Dream of potatoes as I sleep,
Oh how many potatoes I will eat,
Mashed potatoes, baked potatoes,
For everyone, friend and foe,
Never can you have too many,
God forbid you not have any,
Potatoes with every meal,
Even eat them when you're ill,
French fries, and tater tots,
I love potaoes with all I've got!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This year, woman became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers are now women. More women than men get a college degree. For years, women have struggled for equality but, now, modern, postindustrial society has enabled them to surpass men in economic importance. Physical strength and size are no longer more important than social intelligence and good communication skills, areas in which women have an edge. Women are more empathetic, better consensus-seekers, better lateral thinkers, and bring superior moral sensibility to bear on the business world. Women tend to be cool and levelheaded. Men, spurred by testosterone, tend to make reckless decisions. In the future, women will dominate the middle class. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women earn 60% of college degrees. Men dominate just two of the 15 job categories projected to grow the most over the next decade: janitor and computer engineer. Women have everything else!

The unprecedented role reversal now under way will have vast cultural consequences. Men will no longer dominate positions of control and influence. Global culture is already reflecting the economic and political power of women. In 162 countries, the greater the power of women, the greater the country’s economic success. My advice for today’s young men is: learn how to do house work and become a good lover!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


An African bull elephant can weigh as much as 20,000 pounds. They can run 25 miles an hour for short distances. Their skin is one inch thick and extremely tough. Even with a high-powered big game gun, a shot in the body will not stop a charging bull. The skin on the head is easier to pierce with a bullet but a bullet in the head will not necessarily stop the elephant. In order to stop the charge, you must hit the brain. The brain, which is hidden inside the massive head, is only the size of a football. You must wait until the charging elephant is within 30 yards of you before you shoot. You only have one chance to hit the brain within the bouncing head that is coming to trample you to death.

I was recently in Africa visiting some of my friends who are members of the Masai Tribe. They gather the wild bee honey that I use to make the mead that I sell under the brand name of, “GET MERRY WITH HARRY ON MEAD”. There was a mad bull elephant that was terrorizing their village. They wanted Bwana Harry to rid them of this menace. So, I took up the hunt. I was cautiously tracking the beast through dense jungle when suddenly he appeared 20 yards in front of me. He shook his head violently, gave a loud trumpet blast through his trunk and charged directly at me! Calmly, I aimed at the second crease of his trunk and between his eyes. It was a perfect brain shot. The giant animal fell dead at my feet.

That evening, we feasted on elephant’s testicles and drank mead until we were merry. Wow, an imagination is a wonderful thing; don’t you think?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


There is a bird in Africa that helps the natives find honey. It is called the Honeyguide bird (Prodotiscus Insignis). For thousands of years, this bird has helped human beings to find hidden bee hives in hollow trees. It loves to eat the wax and larvae of the honey bee but it needs help to break into the bee collonies. A remarkable partnership has developed between these birds and the African natives. It has a unique chattering song that attracts the attention of the natives. Then, it flies ahead, making sure the native is following to the hidden bee's nest. Once the native opens the hive and takes the honey, the bird feasts on the remaining wax and larvae. This is a marvelous, symbiotic relationship between bird and man.

Next month I am going to bring some Honeyguide birds to Michigan to assist me in finding honey for my new business, "GET MERRY WITH HARRY ON MEAD". I will be prancing through the jungle with a large butterfly net capturing these birds. Please wish me luck!
Click on the following link:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Who knows what is outside Plato’s cave? No one knows, unless they have been there. The problem is, no one has been there. Great Poets have tried to describe it but have failed and committed suicide. Famous mathematicians have tried to explain it but have failed and committed suicide. So far, the mystery of life defies understanding by the human mind. Truth and certainty are illusive. How big is infinity? Can anyone really understand God? Some mysteries are not only illusive, but also dangerous to pursue. It is better to let the mystery be. Accept life as a gift, filled with joys and sorrows, and make the best of it! That is my philosophy. What is yours?

Have you ever wondered which web sites are the most popular on the Internet? Well, here they are:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Another one added every 12 seconds. It was an impossible job with the equipment they provided.
Finally, I gave up, accepted a government pension, and returned to retirement on the lake.
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Initially, I refused to go see the latest remake of the Robin Hood story. After all, I had seen all the many previous films about this hero. What else was there to know? Then, I read that this version was more of a "prequel" and was done in a historically correct manner. So, being a fan of historical novels, I went to see this movie. I found it to be entertaining and a terrific movie. It told the story of what happened before Robin Hood became an outlaw.

It portrayed how Robin and his men became "merry" by drinking the most popular beverage of the 12th century. If you wanted an alcoholic beverage, you ordered a glass of mead. This got me off on a tangent wondering how long it had been around and how was it made? Well, it is the first alcoholic beverage to be discovered by man and it is made by combining honey, water, and yeast. Wine has been around for 6000 years but mead was being made 30,000 years ago! Then, I got to wondering why it is not a popular drink, today. It taste good, is easy to make and has 13% alcohol which makes one feel merry. I decided it is a long lost treasure that needs to be rediscovered. I am starting a business called, "Get Merry With Harry On Mead". It is the only beverage that you will ever need!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Why does the humming bird hum?
Why is the blue bird blue?
Why is the government dumb?
And what is it, we can do?

Stop it from giving away money,
And taxing me and you,
The problem is not funny,
It stinks a lot, P U !

Billions and billions of debt,
Bonuses for the rich,
Taxes is what we get,
No wonder life’s a bitch!

With the encouragement of our Government and big business, our citizens spent more than they had, lived beyond their means, and abused their credit. That was dumb; and it caused a big, ugly recession. To fix the problem, our Government borrowed billions of dollars and gave it away. That was dumb; and it devalued our dollar, mortgaged our future, and crippled our economy. We must stop this dumbness in our land. Write your congressman and senator. E-mail our President. Tell them to stop being dumb! Tell them to stop spending money they don’t have. And stop borrowing money to give away. Leave our free markets alone and they will again grow strong. We should make all our Government servants (yes, they are supposed to be serving us) read “The Wealth Of Nations” by Adam Smith. He was the father of economics. Our representatives need a refresher course.

The future holds a very big bill,
Get wise while yet you may,
The debit side is increasing,
In a most alarming way,
The things our gov did unceasing,
For them, we must all pay!

Fueled by President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package, the US budget deficit is projected to be $1.6 Trillion! Spending, borrowing, and debt are out of control. This is a dire situation. This is an unmanageable burden on future generations. We must stop the dumbness in Washington.



Very bad idea created by uninformed, power hungry, Federal Bureaucrats of the liberal persuasion. These bleeding hearts say everyone has a right to have health care, and the government should control it. They also say that having government health care will reduce the cost and improve the quality of health care. This idea is a misguided recipe for a national disaster. Let's look at some history. Let's look at some facts. Everyone has a right to health insurance and health care only if they can pay for it. Everyone has a right to food and shelter, if they can pay for it. In this world, no one has a right to any service or product if they are unwilling or unable to pay for it. I'm sorry, but that is how it is.

The poor among us are currently being taken care of by charity, existing government programs, and family. They are not starving to death,and they do receive basic medical care and shelter. It would cost billions of dollars (which the government cannot afford) to extend benefits to them similar to the benefits enjoyed by hard working people who have to pay for it.

Can anyone in their right mind think that the government can do something more efficiently than private enterprise? I don't think so! In this day and age, we are privatizing government services because the government cannot do it as economically. Of course, the government is needed for national defense, maintenance of infra structure, safety regulations, and enforcement of laws to protect our citizens.

Health care insurance is currently provided, primarily, by the Blue Cross Companies. Because of free market competition, they have become as efficient as possible. They pay out 95% of premiums in benefits. A 5% expense factor is pretty damn good. Also, for the most part, policyholders are happy with the service. The alarming increase in the cost of health care is caused by two factors: First of all, rapid development of expensive medical technology. Secondly, clients of medical service providers have no incentive to "shop" and to make reasonable economic decisions. Because they have insurance coverage, usually provided by their employer, they have no idea what services are costing. Furthermore, since they have the coverage, they say, "give me all those expensive tests and procedures_I don't care what it cost!" So, what is the solution? I think high deductible health insurance is what is needed. Let's have catastrophe coverage but not provide coverage for basic health care. If we did that, people would start asking, "how much does that cost?" and "Do I really need to have it done?" and Whoa, I think I will shop around. These are the questions that would put a brake on medical cost inflation.

Oh, by the way, because of the negative feed back from townhall meetings, Obama and Pelosi are now saying that they could accept a nonprofit health care cooperative as an alternative to a new government insurance plan. Guess what folks; Blue Cross is a nonprofit cooperative! I guess we already have the needed reform.


A Revolutionary Sailing Ship

The Caravel is a sailing ship that was developed by the Portuguese in the late 1400's, and was used for the next 300 years. It was an improvement on older ships because it could sail into the wind. Caravels were broad-beamed ships that had 2 or 3 masts with square sails and a triangular sail, on the bow, called a lateen. They were about 65 feet long and could carry 130 tons of cargo. Christopher Columbus’ ships, the Nina and the Pinta, were Caravels. The revolutionary design of these ships enabled Columbus to discover America and get back home to brag about it. Before the Caravel, sailing ships could only sail with the wind. In order to go against the wind, they had to drop their sails and be rowed. This was not practical for long voyages of discovery.

The first sailboats, which were used for thousands of years, used square sails and did not have a rudder or a keel. When a rudder, a keel, and a lateen sail were added, ships were “magically” able to sail into the wind! This was truly a revolutionary innovation created by the Portuguese. To understand how it works, you have to be knowledgeable about mathematics, physics, and aeronautics. The simple explanation is: wind pressure on the side of the triangular sail, opposed by an opposite pressure of water against the keel and the rudder, causes the boat to “squirt” forward; much like a watermelon seed that is squeezed by your fingers. Obviously, the ship can’t sail directly into the wind, but it can sail at a 45-degree angle to the wind. This allows it to tack back and forth and make headway into the wind. This was a very brilliant invention!

I love to sail for pleasure. It is my favorite summer pastime. I did not learn how to sail until I was 50 years of age. I bought an old Lightning and raced it (with a crew of 3) against other Lightning boats on weekends. It took quite awhile to learn the technique of sailing and to learn all the rules of racing. After 5 years of effort, I finally won the Captains’ Trophy; it was a proud day for me. Until that time, I capsized so many times that I renamed the boat, “OVER EASY”. I also had the embarrassing incident of running into another boat that had the right of way. A few years ago, I quit racing and sold the Lightning. Now, I enjoy sailing my little sunfish. It is a noncompetitive, relaxing activity.

I raise my sail,
And glide away,
With no travail,
I'm off to play!



This blog is dedicated to the Bally Girls: Gloria, Vicky, Wanda, Kathy, Robin, Jane, Sue, Nancy and especially to their friend and mentor, Jan. A lovely group of beautiful women to whom my good friend, Jim Purcell, and I served Pina Coladas. It was their annual meeting at the Bollin Spa. This years theme was "survivors". These girls are definitely survivors. They are smart, sophisticated, and very "today". Most of what they discussed was over my head. They talked a lot about a guy named "Johnson" who hung out at their Health Club. They seemed to hold him in high regard. He had a special attraction that is hard, to explain.

Of course, they exchanged recipes for food, love, and life. Being a part of an all female party was an education for Jim and me. I can't share everything I learned because of the Cabana Boy's oath of confidentiality. But one thing that surprised me was their vast knowledge of male sports.

A difference between men and women was emphasized. Men have only a few things to say, then, they are done talking. Woman are never done talking. These girls talked all night and half of the next day! I was amazed at how much they had to talk about. There was never a lull in the conversation. In fact, I had a difficult time getting them to be quiet long enough for me to read a poem. Once I got started, they did seem to enjoy a Poetry Reading. Like I mentioned, these are sophisticated woman. I am looking forward to being their Cabana Boy at next year's party. Oh yeah, as to why women, who drink Pina Coladas, like to walk in the rain; I haven't the foggiest!
I have been studying women for fifty years and they are still a mystery. That is part of their charm.


Quick of Wit,
And very fit,
On my lap she likes to sit,
I like her a little bit,
A Bally Girl is really it!



While driving from the lake to Adrian, I passed a farm house with three items for sale: A motorcycle, a bicycle, and a manure spreader. They sat beside the road for about a month and I drove past them quite a few times. Gradually, over a long period of time, each item was purchased and disappeared. The first thing to sell was the manure spreader, then the bicycle, and the last item to be purchased was the motorcycle. I found it intriguing that a farm implement was the first to be purchased. Perhaps a sign of the times? Or was it just a random event? Are motorcycles in less demand than manure spreaders? Is farming so tough that a farmer had to sell his equipment and his recreational vehicles? What is the real story behind these events?

Last Sunday night, two men fell off a pontoon boat in Devils Lake. Sadly, one of them died trying to swim to shore. The other man was able to swim to shore and is alive. I wonder, how the heck does anyone fall off a pontoon boat and why would they try to swim to shore? All of the facts are not yet known about this tragic accident; but I bet there was alcohol involved. They must have been drunk to do something this stupid. The lesson here is that drinking and boating is just as dangerous as drinking and driving.

For a long weekend, my wife and I recently traded houses with one of our sons and his family. They got to enjoy our lake house and we enjoyed staying in their Detroit suburb home. The experience emphasized the fact that the suburbs are totally different from the City of Detroit. Unfortunately, Detroit is bankrupt, filled with corruption, crime, and disillusionment. It has turned into a ghetto of uneducated and unhappy people. On the other hand, the Northwestern suburbs are filled with lovely homes and successful people. There are lots of great restaurants and interesting, fun things to do. Such a sharp division between the city and the suburbs is a worrisome thing. Lots of theories as to how and why it happened. Whatever the reason, it is a damn shame. It did not have to happen; I point to Chicago as proof of that.

Another thing I wonder about: Why do women who drink Pina Coladas like to walk in the rain? Tomorrow, I will be doing research on this question. Tune in next week for the answer!



Don't you hate it when one of your favorite authors dies? It is like the loss of a good friend. Tony Hillerman died last year and I still miss him. He wrote 18 wonderful mystery novels about the Navajos and their culture in the south-west. His books often were about conflicts between the American legal system and traditional Navajo definitions of crime. Reading his novels, gave me a good understanding of the strength and dignity of the Navajo culture. The Navajo are more sensitive to moral weakness than the white society that surrounds them. I feel like I personally knew Hillerman's main character, Lt. Joe Leaphorn. Before writing novels, Hillerman was a journalist, editor, and teacher.

In his biography, he describes growing up in the Depression on a small farm in Oklahoma. He was in the army during World War Two, and took part in the D-day landings. He won the silver star for valour and a Purple Heart for being severely wounded by a mine.

Tony Hillerman had an interesting philosophy, "If one learns not to have unrealistic expectations, one will often be pleasantly surprised and seldom disappointed".



It is my favorite month! Let me tell you why: Strawberries, Raspberries, Corn on the cob, New potatoes, Peas, Lettuce, String beans, and all the good stuff you can get at a Michigan farm market. Because of the glaciers movements millions of years ago, because of the forests that grew thousands of years ago, because of the climate created by the Great Lakes, because of the work of early settlers, the soil in Michigan creates the best produce in the world (my opinion as a master gardener). The flavor of Michigan's fruits and vegetables is way better than California or Florida. Yes, our season is short but our stuff is much sweeter. As a chef and a gormand, I alwas look forward to July. My idea of heaven would be to have July for twelve months of the year.

There are many other reasons for loving July: Grand children visit me at the lake. Fair weather sailing, Long walks on long days. And because of the lovely weather, I have more opportunities to meet people and make new friends. You can't have too many friends! "A friend is a rare book of which but one copy is made".And speaking of books, I enjoy reading on late evenings in July. All and all, July is the best month for me. I am damn lucky because we still have half of July to come. I refuse to think that half of July is gone!



Life is difficult. life is complicated. Life is filled with sorrow. Life is filled with joy. Life is what you make it. Shakespeare said, "Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifiying nothing." Shaw said, "There is true joy in life." Whatever you call it, life can be made better by the simple pleasures that can be found between the sorrows and joys. It is important to look for them and savor them. Yesterday, I took two of my grandchildren tubing on the lake. I went for a long walk in the country and enjoyed nature. I picked and arranged some flowers from my garden. For dinner I had tacos and beer with friends. In the evening, on a glider on the end of our dock, I enjoyed a drink and a fine cigar while viewing a magnificent sunset. On this beautiful July morning, I watered the grass.

Some of my favorite simple pleasures are doing things for others. Breakfast in bed for my loving wife. Watering Jan's flowers, helping a neighbor girl to learn how to water ski. Being a good listener for people with problems. Doing a favor for a friend. Being helpful and doing favors for others makes me feel good about myself. The simple pleasures make life worthwhile. Look for them and savor them!



In 3 days we will be celebrating the birth of our nation. Of all our forefathers, Thomas Jefferson was the most instrumental in shaping our destiny. This brilliant and remarkable man was the author of the Declaration Of Independence and the Statute For Religious Freedom. He was also the founder of the non-religious University Of Virginia. He was intelligent, extremely organized and very, very busy! His list of accomplishments are astounding. He was a lawyer, scientist, philosopher, statesman, architect, musician, farmer, bibliophile, inventor, wine connoisseur, and mathematician. He was fluent in French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and Greek. Probably, the most accomplished human being of all time. We are damn lucky this guy was part of our history. Too bad modern politicians are not more like him. I think we should all say, "thank you, Thomas Jefferson!"

Ironically, he died on the fourth of July, 1826. That was the 50Th anniversary of the United States and only 183 years ago. Have a happy and thoughtful 4Th of July!



Traditions, knowledge, morals, and our form of government were shaped by history. If the British had won the American Revolution War, if the Confederates had won the Civil War, if Germany had won World War One, then, things would be different. Think of how different the world would be if computers had not been invented. Historical events have had a significant influence on today’s world and the future. Studying history helps us to understand how society came to be. It, also, helps us to understand other cultures. However, history, as presented in textbooks, is boring. Who wants to read about a bunch of dates and events? Not me.

I have discovered an entertaining and interesting way to learn about history. It is called the historical novel. The author uses real events as a background for a fictional story. A tremendous amount of research is used to provide insight into what people were doing during a particular time in history. A talented author can make history come alive! Three of my favorites are: Bernard Cornwell, Conn Iggulden, and James Clavell. Cornwell wrote a series of novels called the Saxon Tales. They are about ninth century England when King Alfred The Great battles the invasion of the Vikings. Iggulden wrote a series of novels about Genghis Khan and the Mongol empire of the thirteenth century. Clavell wrote a novel called ‘Tai- Pan’. It is a Nineteenth century story about English traders who turned Hong Kong into a fortress of British power. Try one of these authors for some exciting reading.

Some fascinating facts I learned from reading historical novels: Vikings were fierce warriors in battle but candy asses when it came time to shit in the woods. Their asses were so tender, they had to use soft moss to wipe with! ( toilet paper did not exist in the ninth century). Before going into battle, the Mongol warriors would get drunk on fermented goats’ milk. It gave them the courage to die for the Kahn! The English people became so addicted to Chinese tea, they authorized their sailing ships to smuggle opium into china to be traded for tea!

On June 24, 1509, Henry VIII was crowned King of England. How does this historical event affect us, today? Can anyone tell me? A hint, it has nothing to do with the invention of duct tape.



My wife thinks that I am arrogant to think that others want to read my blog. Because she is always right, I will no longer e-mail my blog to friends and family. From now on, if you wish to read my blogs, you will have to go to I will publish a new blog every Wednesday. I hope you will tell all your friends about my blog site. My goal is to win the first literary Nobel prize for blogging. I will share the million dollar prize with all my loyal followers!

Here are some of the titles of my future blogs: Why Australian men like to do it down under. How to see Europe for free. Lose weight with large portions of fat food. Why Chinese woman pilot has crack up when flying upside down. How to become rich and famous by writing a blog. Learn the mysterious sexual position used by Genghis Khan.(it is performed while riding a horse!) When to use moderation while drinking and when it is better to just get drunk. The sure fire technique for improving your memory. And, last but not least, how to always have good joss!



Depends on the circumstances. Torture is wrong in most situations and should never be legalised or institutionalised. For example, the Catholic church used inquisitor priest to torture people during the Spanish Inquisition. This was a horrible, immoral, unethical act! And the church claims that it defines morality?! Morals and ethics were established, long before Christianity, by the Greek philosophers. Our moral code of conduct was created by ancient civilizations thousands of years ago. Much has been written about how men ought to behave. It can be difficult to determine because of unlimited and shifting situations.

Moral decisions cannot be made on the basis that some actions are right and some actions are wrong. These decisions must be made in view of the specific situation. It can get complicated! In some extreme emergencies, torture can be justified. A terrorist can force us to choose between two evils. Should we torture the terrorist or allow thousands of innocent lives to be lost? If torture could force him to disclose the location of a ticking bomb, we have a moral obligation to torture him. We are forced to choose the lessor of two evils. To not take action would be very wrong! In this case, the ends justify the means. In light of this, we should support our public officials when they are faced with these kinds of choices.



An old saying that is both true and false. Depends on the context. If you are talking about the nature of people, it is basically true. If you are referring to the environment, wow, you are really wrong. Man’s nature has evolved over a long period of time. Man has not changed much in thousands of years. We have been fixed with instincts, which stimulate us to action that has to do with survival and our self-interest. And we have developed the characteristics of civilized man. Man is not perfect, nor is he perfectible. He is what he is; formed by nature. But the environment is another matter.

Everything in the world’s environment is changing at a rapid, exponential pace! Technology, business, politics, nature, traditions, and customs are all changing. The strange thing about all this: Day by day, nothing seems to change, but pretty soon, everything is different!! General Motors was the largest, most powerful corporation in the world; now, it is a bankrupt, struggling mess. Polaroid cameras used to be the only way you could create an instant picture. Then, digital cameras came along. Polaroid is obsolete. Deregulation of the U.S. airline industry led to bankruptcy of all the big airlines. Outsourcing by U.S. companies has led to a high degree of world- wide competition. Invention of a new investment technique called derivatives has led to the worst economic recession since the great depression. And the list goes on. We are living in a world in which the environmental landscape can shift quickly and unexpectedly. Are you ready for more changes? If not, send a check for $5.00 to me and I will tell you the secret of surviving the coming changes!



The overuse of superlatives has made them meaningless. If everything is the greatest, then nothing is the greatest. Crying wolf when there is no wolf, means no one will believe you when thereis a wolf. If you want to be taken seriously, keep your superlatives in check. Americans seem to exaggerate everything and it is devaluing our language. Everyone is not an amazing genius. New information is not necessarily incredible. A good restaurant meal is not fantastic. OK, the sex you had last night may have been phenomenal, but no one will know it if you call everything phenomenal. See what I mean? Say what you mean and mean what you say. Your words are more valuable when you reserve the most passionate ones to describe the things you are most passionate about. We can make ourselves more meaningful if we choose our words wisely. Most of the excessive language problem has been created by advertising (new and improved!) and political campaign propaganda (my opponent is a bastard but I am a Saint!) Don't believe propaganda and don't use the hyperbole of advertisers and politicians! I think this blog is the most awesome blog that was ever written! Certainly, it is the most extraordinary one that I have ever heard of!



The ability to experience everyday life as uplifting! That is a wonderful bit of wisdom that comes with age. I am thankful for another day. I wrote a short poem about getting older: "I know a lot of dead people, And that's a bad sign, But I'm still alive, And feeling fine!" I was born before computers and the Internet. Nobody had aids or herpes. Nobody had semiautomatic weapons or crack. Those were the good old days and I was young and looking for adventure. Now, I am old and looking for triumphs of the mind. Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that happen to a man. Surprise! you are suddenly old. I didn't see it coming. But wait, I am not as old as my sister, Vonnie. She was born the same year as the Great Dust Bowl Storm. Also, that year, the Department of Justice offered a $25,000 reward for Dillinger, dead or alive. Peter Nero and my sister were both born on Tuesday, May 22, 1934. And, they both play the piano really well. It was a good year for piano players. On Saturday, May 23, 2009, we are celebrating Vonnie's 75Th birthday. She is much older than I am but we both feel lucky when we can find our car in the parking lot!



A better question is, "What is the purpose of life?" There is not a correct answer to the 'purpose' question. If there is an answer, it remains a mystery. Religious scholars and philosophers have wrestled with this question for thousands of years. They have not been able to come up with a plausible answer that is acceptable to everyone. Hey, maybe, every one's purpose is different! Maybe, the secret to happiness is discovering your purpose and working to achieve it. By Jove, I may be on to something! I have done what no man has done before; I have defined the meaning of life!

Psychologist tell us that moments of happiness occur when we are"in the zone" of doing something well, that is difficult to do, and that we enjoy doing. Unfortunately, we can not always be in the zone. So, we are not always happy, but we have our moments. General happiness comes from spirituality, love, and human relationships. It also comes from a balance between work and play. And, let's not forget that helping others makes us happy. And, Being moral and fair in our dealings with others makes us feel good about ourselves (happy). I suggest that you live, love, laugh, and think your way to the path of happiness!!!



I have blogged about politics, religion, and economics without fear. But today's topic is so controversial, I am approaching it with trepidation. It is sure to offend a number of my readers! Relatively speaking, e-mail is a new way of communicating that rapidly exploded into existence. Not only did it happen quickly, but it became universal. Every one is using it but not always effectively and with courtesy. As a culture, we have not had to rely on our writing skills for decades. But now, there is no way around it. Consequently, there is a great amount of miscommunication with it, and misuse of it. Not to mention disrespect of its recipients.Please stop filling my e-mail inbox with jokes! Please stop harassing me with hyperlinks to You Tube videos of cute stuff! Please stop forwarding emails to me that you think are clever! OK, now that I have that stuff off my chest, Here is what I would like you to do with e-mail. Send messages which are original thoughts from you. People love to hear what you are doing and how things are going. They love receiving news about you. Hey, if you discover a web page with helpful information for me_please attach it to an e-mail to me. I appreciate those kinds of e-mails. And by the way, stop using thinks like BTW and LOL. They make you sound like the hip hop Mayor of Detroit! Oh yeah, and please no more xxx and 000 and smiley faces. They make you sound juvenile. Well, that's my rant for today. I am sorry if you are offended but somebody had to tell you these things.



TELEPHONE, INTERNET, TELEVISION__They all quit working! I am irritated and frustrated. On the phone I get wrong numbers, on the television I get a slow slide show instead of continuous video, on the internet I get s l o w, intermittant, on again and off again service. This has been happening for two days! Can't make important emails, personal and business information has been lost or delayed. And I cannot contact my service provider because they are experiencing "service problems". I am wondering what would happen if this becomes a permanent condition? Would my life slow down and become less stressful? Would I read more books and become more intelligent? Would I write and receive highly anticipated long hand letters? Would I be able to spend more quality time with friends and neighbors? Would I have more time to help my family? Would I receive less bad news from all over the world, instanteously? Would I get healthy and live longer because I would have time to excersize? Maybe, I (and everyone else) would be better off! Should I cancel my bundle of services? What do you think? So many questions; so few answers.



I used to think that perseverance could accomplish anything. When I was a young insurance salesman, my mantra was, "No one has endurance like the man who sells insurance". I thought that endurance and perseverance could accomplish anything. When I became older and wiser I realized that one must also have a cognitive connection with reality, and some common sense. This morning, as I enjoyed my breakfast, I watched a young male robin continually bang into my window. He was seeing his own reflection in the glass. He wanted to either fight or make love to the bird in the window. Over and over again he banged into the glass and each time he did it with a little less force because he was getting exhausted from banging his head on a glass wall. But he did not give up. Talk about persistence! However, he was disconnected with reality. Hobbs, my old cat, calmly watched with fascination. Because his brain is larger than a bird's brain, he did not waste energy trying to catch the bird. He just waited until the bird finally fell to the ground, and enjoyed a nice breakfast of his own. There is a lesson here: Stop acting like a bird brain! Don't give billions of money to failed banks, insurance companies, and automobile manufacturers. There is a big Chinese cat waiting to devour us. Instead, let's spend some money helping new innovative, entrepreneurial companies get started to fill the void. And, while we are at it, let's stop spending money and time trying to broker a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine. For two thousand years they have been building the current balance of power. Israel is a fortress surrounded by people who hate them and want them to leave. If you think you can solve this problem, you are truly a bird brain! They must solve their own problems or suffer the consequences. Breakfast is over; I must go beat my head against another wall. Have an enlightened day!



The recent religious holidays got me thinking about God and religion. What a mind boggling subject. Initially, what you believe depends on where you are born, your parents religion, and how your brain is wired. Then, the thinking begins. As you live, learn, and have experiences, your personal beliefs are developed and even change over time. I think it is safe to say that it is impossible to rationally prove whether there is a God, or not. I have studied most of the world's sacred holy books such as, Vedas, Bhagwad Gita, Pali Canon, Torah, Christian Bible, and the Koran. I have read about Yahweh, Christ, Allah, and the Buddha. I am sure that other people have done the same, and arrived at different conclusions from mine. The holy books of the great religions are filled with poetry, history, myths, parables, philosophy, "Gods Word", and symbolism, which is the essence of all religions. Mystics and Prophets do a better job explaining God than theology or science. Personally, I feel that God is involved in all the religions. It is too bad that dogmatic religions divide humanity into warring camps. Ironically, love one another, and Do unto others as you would have them do onto you, are important commandments in all the great religious traditions. Why can't we do what we preach? If the Bible (and other holy books) are interpreted literally, the idea of God becomes impossible. To imagine a deity who is literally responsible for everything that happens on earth involves impossible contradictions! The God of the Bible ceases to be a symbol of a transcendent reality and becomes a cruel and despotic tyrant. God is real, but has yet to reveal himself and his nature to me. It is a mystery.


What The Heck Is Going On?

Wednesday has arrived and I do not have a blog subject. However, I have some questions. Everywhere I go, people are talking or texting on their cell phones. Constant communication about what? Why do so many people feel the need to talk when walking, driving, shopping, eating, going to the rest room, working, playing, standing around, etc. When do they think, listen, reminisce, wonder, have quiet time, look around and enjoy silence. I don't get it. Why are they doing this? What is this modern compulsion to have conversations going all the time on a phone instead of face to face, person to person? Most of the phone talk that I overhear is mundane, inane, silly, and serves no important purpose. If someone could explain this phenomenon to me, I would appreciate it. What the heck is going on??!!!


Miracle Invention Solves All Our Problems!

Stops global warming by reducing greenhouse gases.
Eliminates the energy crisis by supplying inexpensive renewable fuel.
Motivates obese people to get skinny and healthy (lowers health care costs)
Creates enough explosive power to blow up Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Korea.
Does away with embarrassing noises and odors.
I have registered my invention with the U.S. Patent Office as, “Harry’s Backpack Flatulence Collector. It sounds too good to be true but it is based on known scientific principles and current technology. I have secretly tested this device on cows in Argentina; guess what, it works perfectly! Now that we know it is safe (and effective) the next step is to require all U.S. citizens to wear one for the common good of our country. You are probably wondering, how does it work? Since it is registered with the patent office, I am free to explain. The methane gas in your farts is a greenhouse gas, which is 25 times worse than carbon dioxide. By not releasing this gas into the atmosphere, we are reducing global warming. Methane gas used to heat our homes and fuel are cars will free us from dependence on fossil fuels. Fat people will be motivated to create gas (by eating more fiber) because it will be a credit against their taxes. Thus, we will have healthier people and this will reduce the nation’s health care cost. Think about this: 7 years of farts from one person creates the energy of an atomic bomb. 300,000,000 people in the United States could provide enough fire power to wipe out all our enemies. And, here’s the good part; our national defense budget could be reduced by 98%! A personal muffler and catalytic converter will result in a better smelling and quieter planet.

Yes, all this is possible by digitizing your ass gas into digital energy and transmitting it by microwaves to a huge storage facility in Washington D.C. We tried using our heads and look where it got us. It is time to start using our rear ends!



Universal coverage provided by the government is a bad idea. For reasons, look at the systems provided by other countries such as, Canada and Sweden. Common characteristics are long waiting time periods before you can get poor service. Some reform of our current system is needed concerning the cost of care. Measured by the percentage of GNP, The U. S. spends more on health care than any other country in the world. We have a blended system of government provided benefits for the poor and the elderly (Medicare & Medicaid) and health services and insurance that is available in a free enterprise market. Not perfect, but it functions pretty darn well. The major problem we have is the escalating cost of benefits and services. My remedy for this problem is to tweak the system by changing how benefits and insurance are paid for. Currently, they are provided, primarily, by employers. The individual has no incentive to ask questions like: Do I really need this test or this service? How much does this cost? Can I get it for less through another provider? Instead, the individual thinks, (erroneously) "I don't have to pay for it so give me everything and I do not care what it cost!" Thus, we lose the powerful advantage of free enterprise. It's called competition!

Let's not lose sight of the fact that no system will be perfect. Also, let's remember the ancient truth that the poor will always be with us. And, therefore, the uninsured will always be with us. These problems will be mitigated by charitable individuals and faith based groups who have a societal responsibility for unfortunate people.

The Freelance Thinker


Why AIG Bailout Is Wrong

I am going to post my blog every Wednesday. This is Wednesday so, here goes. Today's subject is AIG Insurance Company. You ask, "What do I know about insurance?". I worked in the insurance industry for 35 years as a Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) which is the premier designation in the insurance industry. I was a marketing vice president for a very successful insurance agency. There is much in the news about the bailout of AIG but little of it is factual. I am going to tell you the truth. AIG, which was founded in Shanghai, China, is about as American as a Chinese firecracker. Yes, they are huge, but, if they were allowed to fail, there are literally thousands of other insurance companies who would love to take over a piece of them. In my opinion, the failure of AIG would have very little, if any, impact on our current recession. In fact, it would be better for our future to have them fail. In a free market economy, greed, dishonesty, and incompetence should be penalized by failure. Certainly, we should not reward failure with a bailout! If we really want to give away billions of dollars, let's use it to help the people who were screwed by AIG. I am losing faith in our elected officials. How could they do something as stupid as the bailout of AIG?!

The Freelance Thinker

SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2009

Welcome Mr. Fero (famous author)

I am honored and pleased to have a visit from Mr. Fero. I do not always agree with him but I value and appreciate his opinions! He can play chess almost as good as I can. This means he is pretty darn good!


My First Blog

Here in Michigan, we are going through difficult economic times. The nation is in a serious, long lasting recession but Michigan is in a depression. We are in worse shape than the rest of the states because of poor management of the Automobile Manufacturing Companies, and poor management of our state by the Governor. We need to elect a Governor who understands how to keep businesses and attract new businesses. We need to stop giving billions of taxpayer money to the failing auto companies. The economic damage has already happened so, let the Auto Companies either fail (and be replaced) or drastically reorganize and figure out how to survive. Why reward them for failure? Economic cycles come and go. That is the nature of our free market system. Let nature take its course and we will survive to create the next boom time. Things will get better but it will take some time, and some common sense by our political leaders. I am hopeful for the future.

The Freelance Thinker