Wednesday, July 15, 2009


It is my favorite month! Let me tell you why: Strawberries, Raspberries, Corn on the cob, New potatoes, Peas, Lettuce, String beans, and all the good stuff you can get at a Michigan farm market. Because of the glaciers movements millions of years ago, because of the forests that grew thousands of years ago, because of the climate created by the Great Lakes, because of the work of early settlers, the soil in Michigan creates the best produce in the world (my opinion as a master gardener). The flavor of Michigan's fruits and vegetables is way better than California or Florida. Yes, our season is short but our stuff is much sweeter. As a chef and a gormand, I alwas look forward to July. My idea of heaven would be to have July for twelve months of the year.

There are many other reasons for loving July: Grand children visit me at the lake. Fair weather sailing, Long walks on long days. And because of the lovely weather, I have more opportunities to meet people and make new friends. You can't have too many friends! "A friend is a rare book of which but one copy is made". And speaking of books, I enjoy reading on late evenings in July. All and all, July is the best month for me. I am damn lucky because we still have half of July to come. I refuse to think that half of July is gone!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Free: You make a great case for July, but I'm not there. Here in lovely, downtown southern PA, strawberries came and went in June. We've been eating corn on the cob for weeks. The only thing to look forward to is two plus months of hazy, hot, humid and stultifying. My favorite month is October when the days are cool, those miserable bugs are leaving, the world is "dying," and I feel alive again. So, I leave July to your pleasure alone, but I'll share October with you. Tsar Pat
