Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Why does the humming bird hum?
Why is the blue bird blue?
Why is the government dumb?
And what is it, we can do?

Stop it from giving away money,
And taxing me and you,
The problem is not funny,
It stinks a lot, P U !

Billions and billions of debt,
Bonuses for the rich,
Taxes is what we get,
No wonder life’s a bitch!

With the encouragement of our Government and big business, our citizens spent more than they had, lived beyond their means, and abused their credit. That was dumb; and it caused a big, ugly recession. To fix the problem, our Government borrowed billions of dollars and gave it away. That was dumb; and it devalued our dollar, mortgaged our future, and crippled our economy. We must stop this dumbness in our land. Write your congressman and senator. E-mail our President. Tell them to stop being dumb! Tell them to stop spending money they don’t have. And stop borrowing money to give away. Leave our free markets alone and they will again grow strong. We should make all our Government servants (yes, they are supposed to be serving us) read “The Wealth Of Nations” by Adam Smith. He was the father of economics. Our representatives need a refresher course.

The future holds a very big bill,
Get wise while yet you may,
The debit side is increasing,
In a most alarming way,
The things our gov did unceasing,
For them, we must all pay!

Fueled by President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package, the US budget deficit is projected to be $1.6 Trillion! Spending, borrowing, and debt are out of control. This is a dire situation. This is an unmanageable burden on future generations. We must stop the dumbness in Washington.


  1. Dear Thinker: I offer this optional scenario - Our representatives in WashDC are so fully compromised and corrupt, that everything you describe here actually occurred by design, by the design of the very special interests; i.e., the only interests those reps pay attention to. (The folks who caused the problem--Chris Dodd and Barney Franks come readily to mind--are now in charge of "fixing" it, meaning that the fix is in.) Wall Street is the biggest reason for the financial debacle and our Fed govt has made sure that it has also been rewarded magnificently for its failure. Why? Follow the money into the accounts of our representatives in WashDC. -Tsar Pat

  2. The above comment comes from a shadowy man who worked for a secret agency of our government. As a previous insider, he probably knows what he is writing about. Instead of being victims of dumbness, we are victims of smart crooks! Oh, woe is me. What can we do? I will have to address this problem in a future blog. Stay tuned.
