Friday, December 20, 2013


                                              BIG BANKS ARE
After their plan failed, the Shadow disappeared and the Freelance Thinker went home to think, but Hairy was not giving up. His motto was, “Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” He was not willing to let the big Merry Banksters continue their evil ways. The presidents of the 6 largest banks were stealing billions of dollars and not going to jail because they cleverly struck a cash- for- immunity deal with the Obama administration. The 6 presidents were the epitomes of perfect sociopaths. Each of them was capable of incredible destruction without accountability or remorse. They were predatory bankers and lords of finance.

Hairy decided that he needed help from the super hero who had saved Greece from corruption and insolvency. He knew that Number Woman was ideally suited for this mission. She was the best Krav Maga practitioner in the world, a crack shot with a hand gun, a world class tap dancer, a financial wizard with an extensive background in accounting, and she hated smart-ass bankers. Her alias is Jenny Reum, a mild mannered accountant. Hairy called her and she eagerly accepted the mission. They agreed to meet at Hairy’s  luxury penthouse in Chicago to work out the strategy of their attack on the Lords of Finance.

To be continued…

                                         THE FAMOUS "NUMBER WOMAN"      


  1. Wow! You really hammer those poor misunderstood bankers just trying to get along on a mere billion dollars a year. You should be more sympathetic to their plight. I know I am, but then I'm trying to refinance my TV.

    1. Your ridicule, irony, and sarcasm is well deserved by the Banksters! Thanks for your insightful comment.
