Monday, December 9, 2013


“Hey, come on, Shadow, stop clouding our minds and let us see you.” Said Hairy.
As he gradually appeared, The Shadow said, “Just having a little fun with you guys. Can you see me, now?”
 Both Hairy and Harry indicated that they could see him and they all began working on a master plan to identify and neutralize the sociopaths who were causing trouble in the financial industries. Hairy was able to convince the NSA Director to tap all the phones of the top corporate officers in the Fortune Five Hundred Companies and secretly access all their e-mails. With that information, The Shadow, using his psychic powers, could identify all the sociopaths. Then, Hairy Risk Taker would teach them how to “tap dance”.

Harry, pleased with their plan, could hardly wait to put it into action. He suggested they start with the Bank Of America Corporation. It is not only the largest bank; it is also the most crooked bank in America! The government saved it from ruin by pumping $45 billion of taxpayer money into it. Supposedly, this was done to prevent a depression. Since then, the Obama administration has looked the other way as the bank committed an astonishing variety of crimes—some elaborate and brilliant in their conception, some so crude that they’d be beneath your average street thug. It has cheated investors, insurers, depositors, homeowners, pensioners and tax payers. Bank of America is a Crime Syndicate! (Author's opinion)

To be continued…


  1. The Tsar says you should add "in my opinion" to avoid lawsuits.

  2. Thank You for a helpful and important tip. You are my guardian angel! I hope the Tsar continues to watch my back.
