Tuesday, December 6, 2011


You like the mute button on your TV remote control so you do not have to listen to all those obnoxious advertisements. Well here is something even better! An app called Adblock Plus that eliminates all the advertising from the Internet on your computer screen. It is a free extension available on the Google Chrome Browser and Firefox. I use it on Chrome and it really works. No advertisements to distract you or to slow down your computer. It blocks  pictures, video, and sound that are advertisements. I love it! IMO, Chrome is by far the best browser on the Internet. Now that it is out of beta mode, it is fast and easy to use. Check it out at:   https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom

There are literally thousands of extensions available for Chrome that enable you to tailor make your browser to suit your needs. To see all the apps and extensions that are available for free, go to the Chrome Store:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/home?hl=en
The Web is getting more useful and easier to use. It is truly amazing!


  1. Blocking advertisements?! You're making my job harder Harry..

    Seriously though, this is why the smart folks in my industry are moving away from disruption and into utility. Helping advertisers create things people actually benefit from, rather than complain about.

    But realize there is a value exchange there - its the classic advertising revenue in exchange for the site (or tv channel, etc) being able to exist and bring people content. Keep that in mind too.


  2. Yes, the widespread use of ad blockers, if it happens, will hasten the days of Internet user fees. I will think of you, dear Lance, every time I have to pay up. BTW, Firefox is much more popular than Chrome. I wonder why .

  3. Hey Stephen,
    Sorry, I was not thinking clearly. I promise to not block any adds created by you. Actually, I am a big fan of advertising, as long as there is a sensible mix of useful content and adds. What I object to is too many adds and not enough content. Sometimes I turn off Adblock to see what is new but when I don't want distractions while working on the Internet, I turn on the Adblock feature. This new ability to block advertising will make creative guys like you become even more valuable! Think about this: Blogs are not considered advertising but they can be used to promote products and services. Google paid me a lot of money for publishing my current blog (I wish!) We must discuss this in person while enjoying bourbon and fine cigars.

  4. Ah,TsarPat, my old Internet mentor and champion of "Fact Check" should have checked his facts! He said, "Firefox is much more popular than Chrome". That is no longer true. Chrome has surpassed Firefox in popularity. Fear not, my friend, Internet user fees will not happen. Outgoing advertising will be replaced by Incoming advertising and other creative techniques.

  5. Popularity of browsers is not a scientific endeavor and it depends upon whom you consult and when you do it.
    My question would be: What is Chrome doing that is so much better than the other browsers. The last time I used it, it was barebones and presented nothing of the great capabilities I've gotten used to with Firefox.
    There is always a learning curve involved with switching, and I've read nothing that identified a compelling reason to change from Firefox to anything else. You haven't either.
    -The Fox

  6. The "Fox" appears to be the nom de plume of a man with a closed mind. Learning, whether on a curve or not is good for the mind. You should do more of it__when you stop learning that is a sign you are dead! The answer to your question is: Chrome is doing many things better than other browsers and the proof is that use of Chrome is growing faster than any other browser, including Firefox.
