Wednesday, June 15, 2011


This age of technology seems to have reduced our desire for adventure. That is a shame because in order to live life to the fullest, we need a passion for it. Adventure is the element of a full life that is most neglected in modern society. We need adventure to help us find ourselves. It is not the discovery of new things that is important. It is the understanding of ourselves which we acquire through high adventure. Adventurous people ask questions, seek answers, and take risks. They do it for the pure joy of knowing what it is like to have journeyed into an unusual experience. An unexpected, exciting course of events is very stimulating and helps one to become a better person. If you are curious and love to learn and discover new things, then you should go on an adventure!

And that is exactly what my son, Marcus, and his bride, Jules, are going to do for their honeymoon trip. They will be flying to Jakarta, the capital of Java which is the most densely populated island in the world. It plays a dominant role in the economic and political life of Indonesia. It is always warm there and they have just two seasons_the wet season and the dry season. Its main religion is Muslim but it has a history of being Hindu and Buddhist. There are many ancient temples to explore. Marcus and Jules will be experiencing a sunrise at the impressive Borobudur Temple. Then they fly to Delhi, India and from there to Kathmandu, Nepal. This is the country with eight of the world’s ten tallest mountains including Mount Everest which is the highest point on Earth. No, they will not attempt to reach the summit but they plan on some treks in the remote mountain country. Their honeymoon is a serious adventure!!

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