Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Do you consider yourself to be a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, or what? Are you a conservative or a liberal? Do you participate (vote in elections) in our political system? I think most of us, and our society as well, would benefit from some self examination. I recommend that you try to articulate your beliefs and then decide which political party platform comes the closest to seeking what you would like the government to do. Which political candidate has goals similar to yours?  Yes, I understand that it is not easy. Most political platforms are vague and most candidates make it difficult to ascertain where they stand on issues (they can be dishonest and lie a lot.) It is best to check their past actions and history to see what they believe in.

Personally, I consider myself to be a combination of: conservative republican, independent, and libertarian. I want the government to use taxes for infrastructure, national defense, public safety, law enforcement and public education. I would eliminate all federal subsidies to private corporations. I am opposed to any new entitlement programs. All long term welfare programs should be reformed to only provide help for those who really have a need. Yes, I know it is difficult to determine legitimate needs but surely we can do a better job then we have in the past. Historically, the government has done more harm than good when it tries to tinker with the economy. The government should use regulations to protect the public but otherwise, let the free economy do its thing.


  1. Dear Thinker: The Tsar thinks you are on to the central truth of politics in our time. All of the major parties: Rep, Dem, Lib, have degenerated into winner-take-all idealogical stovepipes.
    Unfortunately, while we can take some ideas from Column A, some from Column B, etc., we are still forced to vote for someone located in only one column.
    Fortunately, no politician does in office what s/he says on the stump.
    Unfortunately, what they do as part of the herd is almost never good for us (but coincidentally enough, almost always good for them).
    Fortunately, we have a way out. Actually, two.
    1. Stop voting for incumbents no matter who they are; and if that doesn't work, then
    2. Stop voting all together. (Imagine their consternation when NO ONE is elected, the counts all being zero votes to zero votes.)

  2. I like your option #1 but your option #2 won't work because the idiots will always vote for themselves. The idiots will get elected by a landslide of one!

  3. Oh, I forgot. Candidates aren't allowed to vote.

  4. Tsar's Addendum: Anyone who runs for public office is either so stupid or so corrupt that they cannot be allowed to vote.
    We need to severely limit those who can vote, but that's a subject for another time.
    The Tsar

  5. Dear Tsar,
    I can hardly wait for "another time". Your words of wisdom are always welcome.

  6. The Founding Fathers wisely limited the franchise to those they deemed worthy, capable of a rational vote (even if that didn't always happen). Eventually women were finally allowed out of the kitchen and allowed educations that gave them the potential of smartly voting.
    Now we have universal sufferage and we're suffering as a result.
    There should be at the very least a minimum IQ for voters.
    Other actions could be taken, but let's hear what your readers think of this so far.
    Tsar Pat
