Wednesday, January 5, 2011


At the beginning of a new year you think about self improvement. Resolutions are made to develop good habits and drop bad habits. Then, you expect instant results. Too bad it does not work that way. All things worth attaining take time. Developing new character traits will take patience and hard work. In order to succeed, you must be motivated. So, the question is, “how do you get motivated?” Visualize achieving your goal and its benefits. What your mind conceives you can achieve! Wow, you will look great after losing some weight. After sticking to an exercise program you will have more energy to do the things you want to do. Sticking to a better diet will keep you healthy for a longer life.

Remember to start with simple, easy goals and then progress to a little higher goal. Reward yourself for attaining a goal. Look for ways to make the activity fun and enjoyable. Keep a diary to remind you that you’re making progress. Be flexible about your routine. If you’re too busy or don’t feel up to it, take a day or two off. The important thing is to get back on track as soon as you can. Follow these tips and get moving! You will soon be a perfect person like me. Actually, I am still working on it. It has been a challenging 71 years. Don’t let anyone tell you that life is easy_it’s not.


  1. Hey, Mr. Thinker, it's easy to set goals. I've done it thousands of times.
    Attaining them is another matter. I've learned to set goals that are easy to meet, goals that make me feel good about myself.
    For example, I vow to gain 10 pounds every year. This is an enjoyable goal, one that comes easily.
    I vow to read more books with the time I save not going to the exercise center.
    I make a list of all the things I'm not going to do for the next year. I put the list on my fridge so that I don't slip up and inadvertently do something on the list; like painting the house.
    Finally, I vow to do something nice for my friends in the new year; something like giving advice like this to them.
    Happy New Year,

  2. My Dear Tsar,
    You are a master of derision, mockery, satire and sarcasm. I am honored with your praise disguised as contempt for my blog. Thank You!
