Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Work for Census Bureau,
But don’t think I’m a hero,
Let me tell a story to you,
About what it is I try to do,
I call on the non-responder,
Get info for Bureau to ponder,
I don’t think I am a big operator,
Just a hard working enumerator,
My goal is to count all the masses,
But the Bureau’s leaders are Asses,
With the computers, they fooled around,
Now, can’t do my job cause they’re down!


1 comment:

  1. Hey, you almost built a Christmas tree there!!!
    As someone who sucked at the government teat (no pun intended) for over thirty years, I can tell you that your experience is just the latest in a long string of technological failures. Why? Two words: Low-bid contracting. The other problem? Two more words: No-bid contracting. You're missing a bet if you don't start a company selling something to the government. $250 screwdrivers anyone?
    Tsar Pat (Ret.)
