Saturday, January 4, 2014


The home office of the Bank of America Corporation is at 100 North Tryon Street in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Ironically, only a few blocks south is one of the most undesirable neighborhoods in America. It is an area of abject poverty and dangerous criminal activity. The rent is low and that is why so many poor, old, widows live there. Every day, after work, slippery Dick the giggler went for a walk in this neighborhood to look for his prey. If he found one, and there were no witnesses, he would pounce on them for his entertainment. While giggling with mad enjoyment, he would beat them into submission and steal their purse.

Number Woman, disguised as a frail old widow, with Hairy in a hidden position of surveillance, began trolling the neighborhood and waited for slippery Dick to strike. One evening at dusk, slippery dick made his move. He quietly snuck up behind his victim and was about to push her onto the sidewalk when she whirled around and deftly kicked him in the solar plexus. He was stunned, paralyzed, and very surprised. With her deadly steel toed tap dancing shoes, she continued to kick him in a number of vulnerable places until he was unconscious. Then, she and Hairy transported him to a local tattoo parlor where they paid the artist to do a tattoo on his forehead that said, “I am a dirty puke who preys on widows and orphans.”   

To be continued…


  1. Ah so, the infamous Scarlet Letters!!!!!

    1. Yes, you are right. As with all of life, there is really nothing new in literature.
