Monday, April 1, 2013


First of all, let me say that whatever you want to do is alright with me as long as it does no harm to me or others. After all, this is a free country with equal rights for everyone. However, I do think that homosexual activity is an unnatural way to satisfy your need for sex. I also think that aids and other harmful diseases have increased because of it. Yes, sexual diseases are also spread by prostitution and that is also bad for society. The dyke has broken and homosexuals want to extend their relationships to include the right of marriage. I find this to be offensive because it does seem harmful to a society that has been based on the traditional marriage of a man and a woman for thousands of years. Marriage was never intended to be a “gay” thing. It involves children and families. A mother and a father are the natural basis of marriage.  Same sex marriage is wrong and harmful to our society.


  1. The Tsar doesn't really care very much either way, but the Tsar, as always full of timely advice for the world, advocates a compromise: Allow same-sex civil unions that are recognized by governments as qualifying for tax and other breaks. That's the real issue and sidesteps moral and religious objections.
    you're welcome.

    1. A sensible solution but I would refer to the union as "queer".
