Wednesday, March 28, 2012


How often do you think about your personal history? How often do you think about your future? Most of us are only in the moment. We are dealing with today's problems and concerns. Recently, my former, long time, employer requested that I help put together a company history. My contribution to the project  was a video of me recalling the major events, from my perspective, of 35 years of employment. I was surprised how well I could remember what had happened even though I had not thought about it for many years. I am sure that I blocked out some unpleasant memories but most of the memories were crystal clear. I found it to be a stimulating and positive experience. Thinking about past accomplishments was uplifting and good for my self esteem. The whole experience was a tonic that gave me an exciting sense of well being!

Since history was good to think about, I wondered if it might also be good to think about my future. And sure enough, it was also a positive experience. It felt good to anticipate my continuing future  retirement,continuing friendships, watching children and grandchildren grow and develop, the joy of a long and loving marriage, these things were very pleasing to think about. I recommend that you get out of the present moment and think about your past and future. It will make you feel good about life! Don't worry, be happy.


  1. The Tsar does not go back since there is nothing he can do about the past. The past is for those with no future. When the hangman puts the rope around my neck, I'll remember that I should never have eaten that Twinkie (an arcane and banal reference to the famous Twinkie defense).
    Voluntary Alzheimer's also comes in handy in this regard.
    Here's to the future,

  2. I will be happy and honored to drink with you to the future but understanding the past (and learning from it) is how you have a better future!
