Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Just kidding. This post is really about New Year’s resolutions. We could all use some help on this subject. I recommend that you focus on habits_both bad and good ones. It is difficult to break habits. That is why good habits are very beneficial and bad habits are very destructive. First, you must understand that it is extremely hard to establish new habits or to break old habits. Psychologists tell us that it takes at least 3 weeks of concentrated effort to establish a habit. That’s the bad news. The good news is, once established, a habit is like an automatic pilot. It takes no effort to keep it going! 

So, choose one old bad habit to get rid of and one new good habit to acquire. Recognize that it will not be easy. It will take three weeks of focused, hard effort to accomplish your goal. Keep telling yourself you can do it and remind yourself of the tremendous benefits that will be yours if you succeed. Make up your mind to keep trying and do not give up if you suffer a setback. Your habits will make or break you. The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine!


  1. Dear Lance: Could you be more specific? Which habits are you talking about: the habits The Great Tsar thinks are bad or the ones his wife thinks are bad? They are not the same.
    Thanks in advance,

  2. Dear Tsar,
    Having been married for more than 50 years, I am surprised that you do not understand how to negotiate with your wife. I suggest that you give up a habit that your wife thinks is bad and take up a new habit that seems good to you. That way, you can stay married for another 50 years. You are welcome.

  3. Okay, Nancy, what did you do with Harry? You didn't hurt him did you?
