Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Last Wednesday I discussed politics. Now, I will discuss the other taboo subject. Religion is a very touchy subject that people either avoid or hide their true feelings. It is not a matter of what you know but it is a matter of what you believe. And what you believe depends on who your parents were and what experiences you have had. Both atheist and theist are usually dogmatic and unyielding in what they believe. No matter how reasonable your argument, you are not going to change what another person believes. You can’t reason a person out of a position that they didn’t reason themselves into in the first place. It’s just what they believe or have faith in. And that is why it is a subject that is usually avoided. It is a difficult subject to discuss. Nobody is going to change their mind so don’t try to win an argument. You are just wasting your breath!

I find agnosticism to be a perfectly respectable and tenable position. It is not dogmatic and makes no pronouncements about the ultimate truths of the universe. It remains open to evidence and persuasion; lacking faith it, never the less, does not deride faith. Atheism, on the other hand, is as unyielding and dogmatic about religious belief as true believers are about their faith. It tries to use scientific reasoning to demolish something that is not built upon reason but is built on faith. That ain’t gonna work! It has been my experience that there are good people in all the religious faiths as well as atheism. So let’s live and let live! That is my philosophy. Amen.


  1. Dear Freelance: I mostly agree with you and therefore won't argue with you.
    Oh well, just one quibble: I don't agree that religionists and atheists are equally incorrigible. Atheists generally leave others alone. They may look at religion disdainfully, and write disdainful books (for the money I suspect since they invariably sell well), BUT they don't KILL, MAIM, TORTURE and SUBJUGATE others in the name of their god figures. Religionist have done that from time's beginning and continue doing so up to this very minute. Therefore, I trust atheists much more than I do religionists. TSARPAT

  2. Dear Tsar,
    You Russians are experts on atheists so I will assume you know what you're talking about. However, I have heard stories about the communist regime doing awful things to the Russian people. I think there are good and bad people in all religions and atheism. I love the good ones and despise the bad ones. As usual, your comments are excellent and I appreciate your participation. Have a beer on me!

  3. Dear Lance:
    Thanks for the beer. I had a 2,000 year old cossack beer. Cost a dollar a year so I charged your cc $2,000. It was worth it though.
    Russians are religious and so were Soviets, although Sovs tended to worship Stalin, who I believe was a good friend of yours, da?
    The Tsar
