Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Frontier Bullet Bourbon with a Troya Clasico cigar from Nicaragua enjoyed on a bench at the end of my dock on a perfect summer evening at sunset on a beautiful lake made me feel like Mark Twain. No way can that be bad for you. In fact, it was pretty damn good! It enabled me to reminisce about how lucky I am to be where I am at this point in my life. Maybe I made some good decisions but mostly, I have been very lucky and I am thankful for that. Living on a lake and having the love of a wonderful wife and large family is a terrific thing. My children and grandchildren make me happy by visiting and enjoying our lake house. My first born son, Micah John, has stirred up some new excitement for us by acquiring a ski boat that now sits on the side of our dock. It is a Master Craft Prostar Signature Ski Boat with a Corvette, 8 cylinder, engine. It is a fast, hot boat that will require careful attention to safety and proper operation.

Because it is an inboard engine, anyone who operates it must be extremely careful about the potential explosion hazard created by gas fumes in the engine compartment. Prior to starting the engine, you must open the engine box and check the engine compartment and bilge for gasoline and oil vapors; you must operate the blower for at least 4 minutes. Failure to do so may result in an explosion that could blow you to kingdom come! That would really spoil our fun. Many boating accidents are caused by the operator’s failure to follow basic safety rules or written precautions. Most accidents can be avoided if the operator is completely familiar with the boat and its operation. That is why no one is allowed to use this boat until they have read the owner’s manual and been instructed on proper operation. It’s going to be a lot of fun but we must be very careful!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Crash: Is there a speed limit on Lac Devil?
    'Cause, if not, there soon will be.
    -Landlubber Tsar
