Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I am very happy with our new Michigan Governor. He is making all the right moves to balance our budget and attract business to Michigan which will create jobs. He is implementing a simpler and fairer system of taxation which attempts to have everyone share the pain. Of course the unions, the public employees, and the school teachers don’t think that they should share the pain. The private sector employees (who still have jobs) have already suffered benefit reductions. Why shouldn’t the teachers and public employees do the same? Governor Rick Snyder is exactly what Michigan needed. He is a financial genius with the experience and education needed to get us back on track.

Now, let me tell you what I am not happy about. The Obama administration is seeking to give $3 billion in aid to Pakistan for 2012. $20 billion in aid was given to Pakistan in the last 1o years while our national debt has increased to $12 trillion!! Has this magnanimous (and ill conceived) gift helped our American security interests? HELL NO! They were hiding Osama 35 miles from their capital. They consider us enemies and hate our guts. If the current administration gives them more money, I think it is time for impeachment proceedings. Please_no more aid for Pakistan!


  1. Let's hope that Congress cuts back the tribute to something more appropriate: something like a case of stale pork rinds.
    Let's also hope that politicians stop using teachers as whipping boys just because politicians can. There are few vocations in this world more important that that of teacher. If we'd have treated them properly from the start, there would have been no need for teachers' unions. The Tsar thinks the solution is to make teachers' union irrelevent.
    Public employees can also be important. Lets reform government in this country so that it becomes small and useful. Public employee unions will then become irrelevent too.

  2. I see I misspelled irrelevant not once by twice, but then I suspect it's irrelevant.
    PS: Should also be "teachers' unions" plural, but who's counting?

  3. Every thing you said is irrelevant except for, "a case of stale pork rinds". You sound like a retired government employee who is married to a school teacher. Education is overrated. I do not have a college degree but I am smarter than you and most other college graduates. And, I do not misspell simple words.

  4. Dear Smartypants: The Tsar bows before your superiority--you're clearly a legend in your own mind. I assume by "education" you mean formal education, and as long as you're not trying to become a nuclear physicist, I agree with you. My own degree was useful only as a ticket to the dance I wanted to go to. I would proffer the notion, though, that experience is education as well and experience usually makes us smarter. Therefore, my experience in government and public school teaching makes me smarter than you in those subjects.
    But don't worry; I have no intention of taking an insurance exam. That would be too tough for me.
    --The Modest Tsar

  5. Dear smooth debater,
    And I bow to your clever repartee.For a dumb college graduate, you make some very good points. However, here in Michigan, teachers and government employees will have to feel a little pain. It is a simple matter of basic economics. Our wants exceed the cost of our resources. Times have changed and we must change. The private sector was forced to change and so will the teachers. It is unavoidable.

  6. I agree, no more aid to Pakistan. A budget is a concept where you calculate how much money you have coming in compared to outgoing expenditures. State and federal governments have NO idea how to make this work. Its very depressing to have no solution in sight.

  7. I am pleased to have Brenda participating in my blog. I hope to hear more of her comments in the future. Her common sense and toughness are appreciated. She knows what's happening in the state of Michigan.
