Sunday, September 12, 2010

Islam must turn other cheek.

This is a terrific editorial! I could not agree more. Nolan Finley is a genius! Please click and read.

Islam must turn other cheek | | The Detroit News

1 comment:

  1. "Using the destruction of a book as an excuse to rampage is unacceptable and immature. A Quran, like a Bible, is a physical thing. What makes both books holy are the ideas and inspiration they contain, not the pages and ink. The religion won't be broken by taunts, or by bonfires."

    the person who said this, apparently wasnt thinking straight. it's not bout breakin' islam. it's the insult that is not tolerable.

    i've seen a postgraduate student goin on a rampage when someone threatened to throw away his thesis. ive seen an entrepreneur goin' rampage when a competitor stole his proposal and threatened to shred it to pieces. i bet americans would go on a rampage should someone threaten to burn the declaration of independence openly.


    maybe the writer doesnt know the concept of attachment. the greater the sacrifice, the stronger the attachment. if quran was written as sloppily as his articles, no one would care if it is burnt. however, quran, as the moslems believe, comes from God. true moslems have sacrificed a lot for islam and seein' others burn the word of God is a form of insult to islam. as such, it is a justifiable cause of rampage.

    we moslems r not as primitive as other religions who could turn their prophets, holy book, etc into parody without the slightest guilt.

    heck, i watched the movie devil's advocate. they made a nude scene in the church. if someone did that in our religion ie catch a nude scene at the mosque, he'd be reprimanded or jailed, but i guess nobility is not really an issue to christians. if a christian makes a joke bout his religion, others would join his laughter. if a moslem does the same, he'd be slapped clueless.

    we r serious about religion. it's not a game or a business model. it's not a joke or a lifestyle that comes and goes with the passing of season. im not an extremist but i'd go on a verbal rampage should anyone insult the religion.
