Wednesday, July 28, 2010


On slow news days, some reporter will interview an extremely old person to find out their secret to a long life. Their answer, invariably, includes some combination of the following: don't smoke, don't drink alcoholic beverages, don't over eat, don't eat red meat, don't have unprotected sex, don't engage in hazardous activities, don't quit working, don't break any laws, and don't forget to wash your hands. That's a lot of "don'ts" just so you can live long enough to experience pain in your joints, loss of memory, regret for not having any fun and enjoyment in your lifetime. I don't think "don'ts" are the answer. One of my heroes is George Burns. He lived to be 100 years of age and while drinking a martini and smoking a cigar every day. Not all of us can be that lucky but whatever age we can attain while we DO ENJOY  life is the right age for us. That is my recommendation and I am sticking to it!

p.s. Some moderation should apply to your favorite vices.

1 comment:

  1. One of the things old age forces upon us is indeed moderation. For instance, I can't drink a case of beer at one sitting any more. Moderation also saves money.
    Reminds me of the old joke about the patient telling his doctor he wants to live a long time. The doctor wants to know why, since the man doesn't smoke, drink or chase women, he wants to live at all. (I quite smoking in 1991 and although I still chase women, I can't catch them. But, as long as new breweries and new brews are created, I have a good reason to live.) Tsar Pat
