Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Professor Ruff said to Gelos, “I disagree with you. The laughter created by my magic flashlight and the conversion of evil people into peace loving good people is a positive step towards peace on earth. We just need to moderate the laughing effect so that the laughter is controllable.”

Jasmine Loverly asked the professor, “If the laughter is moderated, will that also reduce the effect on evil people?”

Professor Ruff said, “Yes, it might make them half good and half evil which would make them confused about who and what they are. But that would be better than having them be all evil.”

The freelance thinker said, “Everyone is part good and part evil. We just need to make sure the good side is stronger than the evil side. Is there a way to accomplish that?”

Ruff said, “Maybe, but I will have to do some experimenting  to find out. I will try blinking the flashlight on and off and see what happens.” Professor Ruff went into George Town, Little Exuma, and began blinking his flashlight at the local natives and then studied their behavior. Lois Lane went with him to write a science article for the New York Times about the experiment. Hairy and the committee for creating good in the world were hopeful that the experiment would have good results. That is everyone except the Tsar. 

The Tsar was skeptical and said, “This is a really stupid idea!”

To be continued…
                                             professor Ruff  


  1. The Tsar stands by his incredulousness. He doesn't care whether the people of George Town are good or evil. He has no interest in going there. .

    1. It is a lovely place and you should really consider going there to relax. You are kind of up tight and could use some relaxation but I am okay with your "don't care" attitude. I know the revolution was hard on you. PEACE.

    2. The Tsar isn't interested in relaxing, especially in costly places. He has things to do and people to see and revolutions to put down.
