Friday, February 15, 2013


Because of changes in my life and unforeseen events, the style of my blog will be changing. If you do not like the new format, let me know and I will opt you out. My plan is to write less frequent post on an irregular schedule and the length will vary quite a bit. Some will be short and some may be quite long. Not only that, some will be silly and some will be deep. I guess that is really not a change. I have started some University courses (on line) in mathematics and philosophy. I had hoped they would make me more intelligent but so far, I feel just as dumb as ever.

With age, I am experiencing some surprising changes. For example, I have become a rock music fan! The beat, the rhythm, and the loudness are stimulating and enjoyable to me. Even the lyrics are starting to make sense. It may be a case of going into my second childhood.

Another change I have noticed is that I am more affected by tragic events that happen around me. A recent example is an accident that occurred in the local Walmart parking lot. A woman had just exited her vehicle when an 89 year old man hit the accelerator instead of the brake while backing out of a parking space. His car slammed into the car next to her, pinning her between the vehicles. She was seriously injured, in terrible pain, and died later at the hospital. My empathy for the woman and the man made me cry. One never knows what will happen, do one?! 


  1. Good plan. Its hard to be witty or profound every week!

    1. Finally, you figured out how to make a comment. I am proud of you!

  2. Dear Thinker:
    Live sucks and then it ends. Get over it.
    On a positive note, though, learning is good. If one is not learning, one is not growing. The Tsar hasn't finished a book in months and he's lost 30 pounds. Sometimes, one can learn too much.
    It's good to see you finally preparing yourself for a new career, but what does taking the Drinking Scotch Whiskey Better at the Edinburgh U, qualify you for?

    1. Philosophy at Edinburgh
      Since 1583, philosophy has been taught at the University, where David Hume was a student and Adam Smith lectured. They are both heroes of mine and they both drank a lot of Scotch. By emulating them I hope to become a drunken philosopher of economics.
