Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Should You Keep Your Old Car?

If you want to save money and reduce expenses, keep driving it until it drops. A decently cared-for vehicle that is less than 10 years old and has less than 200,000 miles on it, will last for a long time. You must take care of deferred maintenance and faithfully service it.  Also, the car has to be the right size to accommodate your family needs. If so, it will be smart to keep it instead of buying a new car. Loan payments stack the deck against a new car. You could encounter much higher repair cost than assumed and still come out ahead by keeping the old one. An old car is almost always cheaper to own than a new one. Insurance premiums and registration fees are less and no payments are a big cash flow advantage.

Trading your used car for another used car is usually a bad move. You have to sell the current used car at a wholesale price and buy the “new” used car at retail price. Also, warrantee plans on used cars are not worth their cost and have fine print exclusions. My wife and I both have 10 year old cars with 150,000 miles and we self insure for collision and physical damage. This is another big saving but does entail some risk. So far, we have been lucky!


  1. Dear Cheapo:
    This is the first time the Tsar has ever agreed with you (he's going to have a beer in celebration). The Tsar's wife's car is 11 years old and she is looking for 9 more for an even 20. The Tsar's Sienna is only three years old but that's because he traded in the old Sienna after 12 years and 162,000 miles.
    Why is the point: Sometimes technology races forward fast enough that moving to a new car is advisable for safety reasons.

    1. Dear Tarpat,
      I am thrilled that we have reached an agreement and I agree with your comment considering safety issues. At a certain advanced age, a car can become unsafe.

    2. During the 12 years I owned my minivan, new safety features especially for old farts like the Tsar came into being. Sonar to warn that the car is close to an object, backup camera, GPS, improved brakes, and seat warmers all convinced me to give up old Trigger. pdf
