Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Our ship of state is foundering. We desperately need a new captain. Our current President’s actions and rhetoric are about to sink our ship. Our nation made the mistake of electing a man who had no leadership experience. Consequently, we have been drifting without a rudder towards disaster. Mitt Romney has a proven history of successful leadership in both private industry and government. I believe he has the ability to lead us back to greatness. He knows how to help business create jobs and he knows how to balance our national budget. He is also a man with a history of integrity and compassion towards others. He is a man with Holy underwear who can protect us from underwear bombers. I want a president who will stand up for America and not apologize for our actions around the globe. I want Romney!


  1. Dear Free: Be careful what you wish for. Although I am a registered Republican, I have to admit that it has increasingly become the party of the rich . . . and the Tsar hasn't joined that party yet.
    As you may have noted, the House Republicans have been hell-bent on taking from the poor and halt and giving it to the rich. I fear that Romney will be hostage to the blatantly unfair policies of the likes of Paul Ryan (aka Robbing Hood).
    Just sayin'.

  2. Dear Tsar,
    There is nothing wrong with being rich. It is the wealthy who create jobs by investing in businesses. More rich people means more jobs which is what we need. Taking money away from the rich to give to the poor is what has caused our economic problems. We need opportunities for the poor to work and get rich!

  3. Dear Free: Boy, you've got that BS down pat!!! And I don't mean TsarPat. The so-called rich make more jobs in other countries than they do here. They often don't invest their money here but stash it in off-shore accounts to avoid their fair share of taxes.
    The Tsar believes that we need to close the tax loopholes that benefit only the rich (e.g., mortgage deductions (yes, even that is used far more by the rich than even what remains of the middle class)).
    We need to provide incentives for businesses to retain their money in the U.S. and invest it in the U.S. (and, yes, that means lowering business taxes).
    The Tsar isn't talking about taking from the rich to give to the poor. Rather he's talking about giving the not-so-rich an even break so they, too, can know success.
    (On the negative side, the Tsar is saying that it is immoral to refuse to share sacrifices and lay them only on retirees and government employees. That's what the Republicans in Congress want to do.)
    It's far past time for tax reform that creates fairness for all Americans. Romney isn't proposing to do that. Neither are the Congressional leaders . . . and neither are most of the Democrats.
    The only thing all politicians agree on is that they have to do what it takes to remain in office until their retirement funds build enough or somebody like K Street offers them a million a year to continue the farce.
    The Tsar votes but he holds his nose while doing so. He also does not expect Romney to make life better for him any more than Obama has.

  4. Dear Tsar,
    Your reputation for being a pessimistic cynic is well known but you must choose and vote for the lessor of two evils. Why not choose one side and then try to make it less evil? What you say about off-shore accounts and tax loopholes is truly a problem and we need to do something about it. Lowering taxes on corporations so they have more money to invest in American jobs is what needs to be done but we need a strong caveat and penalty for shipping jobs over-seas. Romney has expressed a desire to do just that! I say give him a chance. I reiterate that Romney has a great history of leadership. Obama has none. It is an easy choice for me.

  5. Dear Free: Well said. I will vote for Romney, and then cross my fingers that he acts independently of the predators on The Hill.

  6. Dear Tsar,
    Your intelligence and common sense continues to impress me.
