Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It is not surprising that the digital computer functions much like a human brain. After all, it was the human mind that created the computer. They both operate by turning electrical signals into binary “on and off states” and flexibly manipulate these states by using switches. We are born with a hard drive that has been wiped clean. Then we are programmed by experience and education. Problems arise if we are programmed with corrupted and false information such as, prejudices, intolerances and mythical stories. We fix computers by rebooting them. We can do the same with our brains.

Meditation has been practiced since antiquity as a way of rebooting the brain (shutting it down and then restarting it) in order to recover from a malfunction (sometimes referred to as a brain fart). Various methods of meditation have been linked to changes in brain activation. Even in prehistoric times humans used repetitive, rhythmic chants to clear their minds. References to meditation are found in the Bible, dating around 1400 BCE, and in the Hindu Vedas from around the 15th century BCE. Around the 6th century BCE, other forms of meditation developed in China and India. So, I recommend that you reboot your brain and get rid of those ugly subconscious thoughts which were programmed into your mind without your permission!


  1. The Tsar's brain is safe, but thanks for your concern. He wears a crown of lead and diamond chrystals. Nothing enters his brain unbidden or otherwise.
    TsarPat (inventor of the cranial firewall)

  2. Dear Tsar,
    I always look forward to your keen comments but this one worries me. Surely you jest, "Nothing enters his brain unbidden or otherwise"? That would mean you have the empty head of a politician. Are you jumping into the race as another republican candidate for the presidency? Please tell me it is just facetious fecal, feces!!

  3. Yes, the Tsar was merely jesting, having a joke on himself to show what a great guy he is. And being such a great guy, in no way could he be a politician. And, wearing that damned heavy crown, he's in no position to race anyone, fecally speaking or otherwise.

  4. Now that sounds more like the Tsar I know and love!
