Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The Tea Party movement is not strong enough to deal with the current mess in Washington. Sipping tea ain’t going to do it. We need to take stronger measures against the self-serving, dishonest, irresponsible, spendthrifts who have taken over our government. That is why I have started the Whiskey Party (In honor of Saint Patrick's Day). Driven to drink by outrageous  deficit spending and enormous federal and state debt, whiskey drinkers are uniting to stop the madness. A bloated government is destroying the freedom that was given to us by the United States Constitution. We may be drunk on whiskey but the government is drunk on power. The government needs to sober up and become responsible. Our representatives need to start listening to the people who elected them. Whiskey drinkers are bellying up to the bar in order to organize fellow citizens to fight for Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and Free Markets. We are compelled to take action because runaway deficit spending is a grave threat to our national sovereignty and the personal and economic liberty of present and future generations. Please join me in a toast to common sense. Cheers and here's to ya! Have a productive Saint Patrick's Day with whiskey in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. It is, of course, always gratifying to be honored like this every year. And now to have the whiskey in the morning gang on board, my cup runneth over--Guinness, of course. Saint Patrick
    PS: Look out WashDC! Anyone who can drink whiskey in the morning is one tough hombre.
