Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Lakopa grinned at Hairy and said, “Thank you for understanding your hopeless situation. We demand that the United States award honorary citizenship to the 12,000 people of Tuvula, making them eligible for all your welfare benefits including free health care and free housing in sunny, Southern California. All moving expenses shall be paid by your government. Also, we will be exempt from taxation and military service and be eligible for free education at any university in Southern California. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we want free movie passes to see any Hollywood movies. And that’s all we want. Pretty reasonable, don’t you think?"

Hairy told Lakopa that he might be able to get the free movie tickets for them but the rest of his demands were totally unreasonable. Hairy explained that the Global Warming Controversy is more about politics than it is about the weather. A government subsidy to climatologists completely corrupts the so called “consensus” of scientist opinions about Global warming being caused by man. The truth is nobody knows for sure what causes Global Warming. Big governments want an excuse to put more taxes on industry and small governments want an excuse to ask for reparation from large industrial nations. In reality, there are many intelligent people who believe that man’s activities have nothing to do with climate change. Climate change is caused by natural cycles in our world and do not threaten our existence. The Tuvula Islands are in no danger of disappearing under the waves. As a matter of fact, researchers in New Zealand have proved that your islands are actually getting larger in spite of a small rise in sea levels. “Oh, and by the way, Lakopa, I am calling your bluff about casting a spell on our president,” said Hairy. "I don’t think you can do it!"

To be continued…


  1. If the Tsar ran Tuvula, then he wouldn't bank on more land but more water.
    -TsarPat (sinking into the carbon sunset)

    1. You can't run FeroWorld, let alone a huge nation like Tuvula! Tuvula has been above water for two thousand years and the law of Anti-Fragile says that it will continue for another two thousand years. Would you like to place a bet on this? I'll bet a thousand coconuts that you are wrong!

    2. A thousand years from now, carbon will have killed us all. I give Tuvula about 50 more years. So, I bet a thousand coconut cocktails to your thousand coconuts . . . but you have to pay in advance.
      -The Tsar of FeroWorld

  2. A thousand years from now, everything will be fine because Obama will be long gone! I am not paying in advance because it will be you who owes me 1000 fermented coconuts!
