Friday, November 29, 2013


Like a soldier during war time, sometimes, as an espionage agent for his country, Hairy was justified in committing murder, but he never felt good about it. Not only was he justified, he was obligated to carry out the orders of the NAS Director. He rationalized breaking the fifth commandment by telling himself it was his duty to protect the United States from its enemies. With mixed emotions, he called the Director and said, “Mission accomplished. Luckypinko is as dead as a hockey puck.” The Director said, “Nice job, Hairy, we will now be able to stop the President from bankrupting our country. Get out of Belarus as quickly as possible. Go back to Chicago; maintain your cover as an insurance agent. I will be contacting you with your next mission.

The Director visited the President in the Oval Office. He told him, “The jig is up! We know all about your mission to establish a new world order of communism. Your control agent has been assassinated. You will no longer be receiving instructions from the Belarusians. Unless you want to be arrested and put to death for treason, you will take instructions from me until the end of your second term. Your first order of business is to create a balanced budget and stop borrowing money. The second order of business is to eliminate the socialistic programs that are destroying our citizens’ ability to take care of themselves. With the money that is saved, you will pay down the national debt so our future freedom is reestablished.”  The President said, “Okay, I guess you got me.”

To be continued…


  1. Uh oh, this will mean that the 47 million will lose their easy street and go after the 1 percent. We're doomed!

    1. The wisecracking Tsar is back. I missed him! The 47 million will be challenged by life's adversity which will motivate them to become a member of the 1%. Soon, we will all be among the 1% and be capitalist! It will be a new happy world with free beer for everyone. I can hardly wait.

    2. OMG. Free beer will put thousands of beer vendors out of business . . . and the Tsar will balloon to 400 pounds. How about free C notes instead?
