Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Hairy, Harry, and The Shadow put their plan into action but the nest of sociopaths at the bank were formidable opponents. Without remorse or guilt, they seemed able to manipulate the public into thinking they were the good guys. They were immune to blame for verdicts of fraud and illegal practices. Amazingly, the President of the bank admitted that they faced losses from legal and fraud matters of $5 billion! But people continued to invest in the Bank because of promises of future profits. The only good news was that for the third year in a row, Bank of America held the dubious distinction of being at the bottom of the American Customer Satisfaction Index.

Hairy said, “This is a blatant failure of the Obama Administration to properly regulate the banking industry. Power is maintained by illicit profits used for kick-backs to crooked politicians.”

The Freelance Thinker agreed and said, “Yeah, we need to find an honest, electable, candidate to run for office.” Let’s see if we can get George Teller to run for President.  He is the only one I can think of who could get us out of this mess!”

The Shadow said, “I know what evil lurks in the hearts of men but I can’t seem to do anything about it. Without George, we are doomed!"

To be continued…          


  1. Replies
    1. Maybe, but what about all the skeletons in your closet. For instance, it is rumored that you become violent when you lose at ping pong. Reliable witnesses report that you have been known to viciously throw your paddle at anyone who beats you. You can't get elected with a reputation like that!!

    2. That is a vicious accusation spread by Hairy because he's afraid of the Tsar, that TsarPat might reveal his secret. He simply sweated a lot and the paddle slipped out of his hand at inopportune times. That's the Tsar's story and he's sticking to it.

    3. Hi: This is Patrick, the Tsar's alterego. I really am embarrassed by my infantile behavior as an infant, but I have grown up and now I simply wait until I can sneak up on somebody who pissed me off and kneecap them.
