With the help of NSA, Number Woman was able to go undercover as a bank examiner. By visiting the 6 large banks as an auditor, she learned that their presidents met monthly to discuss "bank management techniques". These meetings were not open to the public. As a matter of fact, they were extremely secret meetings. NW suspected that the meetings were used to plan their illegal schemes for bilking their customers. She also thought that who ever was conducting the meetings would have to be the leader of the sociopaths. She shared this information with Hairy who figured out a way to "bug" the next meeting.
They learned that the Bank of America President was the supreme ruler of the Lords of Finance. His nick name was Slippery Richard. Hairy put a tail on him to find out if he had any unusual activities that could be used to embarrass and compromise him. What he discovered was so bizarre that he hesitated to reveal it for fear it would be too disturbing for the world to know. It was cruel, dishonest, and just plain sick. He asked NW to meet him at his penthouse so he could reveal the awful thing to her. He wanted to know what she thought they should do with the shocking information.
To be continued...