Wednesday, July 4, 2012


July 4, 1776, is the day that the United States adopted our Declaration of Independence but it was not until September 17, 1787, that the U. S. Constitution established our government which guaranteed our rights and freedom as citizens. To me, this is a more important date than the fourth of July. It is the day when Americans actually were granted liberty.  Today, U.S. citizens take liberty for granted because we have never had it taken from us.

I believe we are in danger of losing our freedom by gradual and silent encroachments of those who are in power. Politicians get elected by promising to hand out benefits to be paid by someone else. This redistribution of wealth (i.e. “free” health care for everyone), is how politicians gain power. I think that this is the weak link in our system of government. We must find a way to guard against this usurping of power by greedy, unscrupulous politicians. They are bankrupting our government.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Lance, as Ben Franklin said sorta, ya gotta work to keep our republic. By some counts, about 60% of us don't work and don't have much interest in doing so. Until people like that are not allowed to vote, we will continue to lose our republic.
