Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I am of an age when the 5 senses begin to weaken. My eyesight has dimmed, my hearing is reduced, I can’t taste mild flavors, I have lost my sensitive touch, and I do not smell as good as I used to. However, my sense of humor has become keener. Now, more things in life seem funny and jokes are funnier than they used to be. I think it is the wisdom that comes with age that helps me understand that life is not all that serious. The older I get, the more I enjoy life. I do not worry about what people think of me. Who cares if they think I smell bad. I can’t smell myself so I am alright with that.

We have more senses than the traditional five and they get better with age. For example, common sense just gets better and better as you get older. Experience teaches us to expect adversity and conflict. It is part of life and we must accept the bitter with the sweet. We know how to deal with the bitter without becoming disappointed and confused. We can take a blow to our ego without giving up on life. I already mentioned sense of humor. It may be the most valuable sense that we have. Funny how that works!


  1. Dear Lance:
    The Tsar has found that common sense isn’t so common. So much so that what the world needs is UNcommon sense. Especially in WashDC. But of course, that place, which was built upon a swamp and still features plenty of swamp creatures, is a prime example of how greed overcomes common sense. Every time.

    The Tsar’s Laws of Common Sense:
    Common Sense – Common sense is not common. Often it is not appreciated either.
    Common Sense (aka popular opinion) – Often as not, it is just common nonsense.

    The Tsar believes that the diminution of the other senses can be a good thing. He no longer sees the dust on the mantle. He can tune out TVs. Everything now tastes the same so he has broadened what he can eat. Burns don’t hurt as much and he doesn’t have to wear deodorant any more.

    It’s the circle of life.

    1. Dear Tsar,
      Thanks for your uncommon comments. I hope you circle for a long, long time and get even more dizzy than you already are!
