A quote from the writings of Prince Sined Yar Mharg, “While smoking a cigar, we are in the presence of eternity. The tobacco reminds us of the earth, from which it and we came. As with ourselves, the life of some cigars is short, while others last a while longer, but in the end all are consumed. But the smoke, ah, the smoke! The smoke drifts gently heavenward on its quest to combine with the great eternal oneness.” And I might add, it does not cause Global Warming! Prince Sined Yar Mharg also said, “There are five things that make life worth living: a good relationship with God, a good woman, good health, good friends, and a good cigar.” Cigars are all right in moderation. You should only smoke one at a time. Have a cigar_light one up and be somebody!
My opinion on various subjects that come to mind. These personal opinions were developed over a lifetime of experiences as a: student, Air Force veteran, insurance salesman, husband, friend, lover, father, grand father, reader, world traveler, chess player, and bridge player.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A quote from the writings of Prince Sined Yar Mharg, “While smoking a cigar, we are in the presence of eternity. The tobacco reminds us of the earth, from which it and we came. As with ourselves, the life of some cigars is short, while others last a while longer, but in the end all are consumed. But the smoke, ah, the smoke! The smoke drifts gently heavenward on its quest to combine with the great eternal oneness.” And I might add, it does not cause Global Warming! Prince Sined Yar Mharg also said, “There are five things that make life worth living: a good relationship with God, a good woman, good health, good friends, and a good cigar.” Cigars are all right in moderation. You should only smoke one at a time. Have a cigar_light one up and be somebody!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Maybe we need a refresher as to what congress is allowed to do. Look up Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. The government does not have any power and authority not specifically named in the constitution. That is why we have an amendment process. We needed an amendment to ban liquor, and then another to repeal the ban.Unless you can quote article and section of the constitution that makes it constitutional, it is unconstitutional. That is the way our constitution was set up.With regard to our liberties, unless it is specifically prohibited, we are allowed. With regard to the government's powers, unless it is specifically allowed, it is prohibited.That is the way our government was set up. Despicable individuals are trying to erode the meaning of our constitution. We must stop these anti-liberty individuals!
We are free
Let’s keep it that way!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
In other news from the climate summit, the G77-China bloc, speaking for developing countries, pointed out that the rich nations of Europe and the United States have already used up over half of the world’s supply of fossil fuels. The chief negotiator for China, Mr. We-Fooka-yu, said that the US and EU should immediately stop using oil and gas so that China can use the second half of these fossil-fuels. He said, “China deserves the right to finish polluting the world”. “It is our turn to get rich by burning up the rest of the world’s natural resources!” President Obama said, “Gee, that sounds fair to me. Let me check with congress and get back to you.” And so, 100 heads of state and government continue to waste time and energy discussing an issue that they have absolutely no control over_the weather! Global Warming is the biggest scam in history!
There is science, logic, reason; there is thought verified by experience. And then there is the United Nations climate summit. It is using fake science to accomplish selfish political ends. The African nations are asking for billions of dollars in reparation because rich nations (United States) wrecked their climate by burning carbon fuels. Give me a break! The liberal press only publishes information about Global Warming that is ‘supposedly’ man made. Well guess what, there are many reputable scientist, including the founder of the weather channel, who say that Global Warming is not man made. They say that there have always been climate cycles since the beginning of time. 100 year cycles, 1000 year cycles, 10,000 year cycles, and 1,000,000 year cycles. We bounce back and forth between ice ages and warming ages. The cause of these cycles is the long elliptical orbit of the earth around the sun, the wobble of the earth, the turning of the earth on its axis, the fluctuating heat of the sun and other recurring events in our Solar System. Any climate change caused by man is insignificant. The Global Warming issue is a bogus crisis. Everyone knows if you do not like the climate, just wait awhile and it will change.
Whether the climate be cold or hot,
Changed by man, it is not!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Box wine is a wine that is packaged in a plastic bladder inside of a cardboard box. No cork, no bottle, just a spigot that you press to draw a glass of wine. Up until recently it was cheap wine of questionable quality. But now, the ‘Black Box’ company is selling high quality wine in a box. I recently purchased a Black Box of Cabernet Sauvignon for the price of $20.00. It holds the equilivant of four standard bottles of wine. So, I got a wonderful wine for $5.00 per bottle. Wine of this quality normally sells for at least $15.00 per bottle. I figure that I saved $40.00! Bag-in-box packaging is not inferior to bottles, but is preferred by some wineries because it is far less expensive, lighter to ship, and more environmentally friendly than bottled wine. Unlike bottled wine, which goes bad a few days after opening, boxed wine stays fresh for weeks after opening since the vacuum-sealed pouch does not allow the wine to be exposed to air. I have become a big fan of ‘Black Box’ wine. Try it; you’ll like it. And it will save a lot of money for you!
A Box of Wine
A Loaf of Bread
And You Divine
Until I'm Dead
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
There are a couple of things to worry about. How much will it cost to verify that 300,000,000 people are properly insured for health care expenses? And how much will it cost to administer all those fines that won’t be paid? And how in the world will the government pay for all those expensive preexisting conditions? Oh, here’s an idea. The government can guarantee payment of health expenses incurred by each citizen by putting it on a Chinese debit card. A couple of trillion dollars added to our debt to China won’t even be noticed. And what about the destruction of our private insurance companies who won’t be able to compete against a government plan that gives away money. Oh well, in the face of an unstable economy and an uncertain future, I guess we don’t need private insurance companies. We have the government to take care of us!????
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Chief Freelance Thinker decided to start a “for profit” business to offer insurance to individual canoes that came down the river. He charged the pure cost of risk (10%) plus his business expenses (5%) plus a modest profit (2%). An individual Indian could “transfer his risk of total loss” to Chief Freelance for a “premium” of 17%! Chief Freelance’s business came to be known as, INA (Indian Nation Assurance). That is the history of insurance. The ability to transfer risk enabled entrepreneurs to start successful businesses. This enabled tremendous economic growth in the world. Let’s all be thankful for the invention of insurance! Happy Thanksgiving Day.
Next week we will learn more about insurance. Bet you can’t wait!
Chief Freelance made mucho wampum and retired to the good life.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
He was the first American to cross the Continental Divide. He was a famous contemporary of Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. He was a close friend of Thomas Jefferson and served as his personal secretary during Jefferson’s presidency. He was a man of high energy and great self-discipline. He was unique, truly gifted as an explorer and as a leader of men. He was a near perfect army officer who led the Corps of Discovery with his other friend, William Clark. Yes, I am describing the greatest of all American explorers, Captain Meriwether Lewis.
If you would like to understand how Captain Lewis went from such glory to such a sad ending, you should read, “UNDAUNTED COURAGE” by Stephen E. Ambrose. Ambrose brilliantly reconstructs the Lewis and Clark Expedition from Lewis’s point of view. It is a sweeping adventure story that was a thrilling read for me. The book is proof that history can be entertaining and interesting. I highly recommend this book.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
There is a difference between reducing costs and shifting costs around. Costs are not reduced simply because you pay less at the doctor's office and more in taxes_or more in insurance premiums, or more in higher prices for other goods and services that you buy, because the government has put the costs on businesses that pass those costs on to you.
Despite all the demonizing of insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies or doctors for what they charge, the fundamental costs of goods and services are the costs of producing them.
If doctors' incomes were cut in half, that would not lower the costs of producing doctors. What it would do is reduce the number of very able people who are willing to take on the very high costs of medical education when the return on that investment is greatly reduced.
Britain has had a government- run medical system for more than half a century and it has to import doctors from Third World countries where the medical training may not be the best. Reducing doctors' income is not reducing the cost of medical care, it is reducing the quality of care.
There are some ways in which the real costs of medical care can be reduced but the people who are leading the charge for a government takeover of medical care are not interested in actually reducing those costs, as distinguished from shifting those costs.
The high costs of "defensive medicine" _ expensive tests, medications and procedures required to protect doctors and hospitals from ruinous lawsuits could be reduced by eliminating frivolous lawsuits. But politicians who get huge campaign contributions from lawyers are not about to pass laws to put a limit on lawsuits.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
- Combine things in novel ways
- Using random stimuli in connecting the unconnected
- Thinking in opposites
- Thinking metaphorically and analogically in other worlds
- Actively seeking the accidental discovery and finding what you are not looking for
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Today, we are going to think about your relationships with people. Whether it is a friend, a co-worker, your supervisor at work, or your neighbor, relationships can be dangerous. You need to be able to identify the people who can make your life miserable and avoid them like the plague. Who are these people and how do we recognize them? Psychologists call these people, sociopaths. One in 25 ordinary Americans is one. They secretly have no conscience and can do anything at all without feeling guilty. They have no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what they do to you, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of friends, family, or strangers. They lie with impunity and only care about themselves. The bad news is, they are difficult to identify. They are masters of deception. The most reliable sign of a sociopath is that they appeal to your sympathy. They want other people to feel sorry for them; Then, they can take advantage of you. When considering a new relationship, practice "the rule of threes". Three lies, three broken promises, or three neglected responsibilities, means trouble! Do not give your money, your work, or your secrets, or your affection to a three-timer.
Until next time, keep an open mind and keep on thinking.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Here is a partial list of things made obsolete by the Internet: dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps, filing cabinets, typewriters, newspapers, post office mail, arcade games, phone books, watches, music and book stores, movie rental stores, old style Swiss Army knife_ Yes, you must have the new one that can run a PowerPoint presentation with Bluetooth remote control of your laptop and a laser pointer. Yeah, well, who knows what will become obsolete, tomorrow. Anything and everything is on the net. Including an overwhelming amount of information.
There is only one thing that the Internet cannot make obsolete. It is your ability to think! In fact, knowing how to think (not what to think) has become a critical skill needed to navigate the information highway. Unfortunately, our schools and universities have taught us what to think but not how to think. So, my future blogs will be based on research that I am doing concerning the ability to think effectively. We will be looking at the thinking techniques of some of the world’s greatest thinkers, such as: Einstein, Edison, da Vinci, Darwin, Picasso, Michelangelo, Galileo, Freud, Fero, Newton and many others. The thinking strategies of these creative giants can be used to generate the ideas and solutions you need in your personal life.
Leonardo da Vinci used multiple perspectives as a key part of his strategy. He believed that you must have at least three different perspectives of something before you understand it. He felt that it was important to synthesize these perspectives in order to have complete knowledge of his subject. When he designed the first bicycle, he looked at it from the viewpoint of the rider, investors who would manufacture it, and cities where it would be used. Multiple perspectives deepen understanding and stimulate creativity. Einstein suggested that even the distinction between matter and energy might depend on a point of view. What was wave from one point of view was particle in another. What was a field in one experiment was a trajectory in another. Always try to get at least 3 points of view before making a decision! Next week we will look at more tips on how to be a good thinker. Until then, keep an open mind and keep on thinking!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Not long ago, doctors treated influenza by cutting the patient to make him bleed. If you had a bad headache, they would drill a hole in your head. Today, these practices seem ridiculously primitive. Medical science has come a long way but it is still not perfect. In the future, I am sure that some of today's practices will seem quite primitive. We must continue to improve the practice of medicine. Let's stay focussed on the effort to improve!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Now, we need to attack the problem of high Veterinarian’s bills for my cat that has diabetes. Anyone have any ideas?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
In my current state of mind, I am making some predictions for the future:
1.) The Internet will suffer a Techno-Apocalypse because of a digital war between Google and Microsoft. These giant technology companies, in a struggle for dominance, will accidentally destroy all the little digits__poof! No more email, no more search engines, and no more porn. (Oh yeah, and no more blogs.)
2.) A Bird Flu epidemic wipes out all the hockey players who play for the: Chicago Blackhawks, Anaheim Ducks, and Pittsburgh Penguins. The NHL no longer allows teams named after birds. The swine flu never materialized!
3.) Oil prices skyrocket causing a run on flatulence collectors. The auto manufacturers quickly retool to make small vehicles for farting around town.
4.) The US Government approves a Public Option Health Care Plan. It quickly bankrupts the country, allowing China to buy us for 10 cents on the dollar. The Chinese make us use herbs, acupuncture, and won ton soup for treating our ailments.
5.) Michigan balances the state budget by selling dollar tickets for a chance to throw baseballs at a dunk tank trigger. Governor Jennifer Granholm is dunked 2.6 billion times which takes care of the budget deficit.
6.) Global warming is finally debunked by the coldest summer, ever. Polar bears are sighted in the Upper Peninsula, much to the dismay of Al Gore. It is rumored that Al is making a film about global cooling.
They say that Abraham Lincoln suffered from chronic depression, but accomplished great things. Maybe I can still get something worthwhile done during my seasonal affective disorder. Wish me luck!
One year ago, today, I was high in the Peruvian Andes on the Inca trail to Machu Picchu. This year, there is no adventure for me, which is another reason why I am depressed.
Check out this great new website: http://nationalaffairs.com/
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Just heard a couple of news items on the radio: $500,000,000 of the federal stimulus money has been allocated to study climate warming in the Arctic. Another dumb move by our representatives. And the Michigan Legislature and our Governor are close to having a budget that uses stimulus money and increased taxes. Sounds dumb to me. Shouldn't we be balancing the State budget by cutting expenses and reducing spending?!
Yesterday, my wife, Nancy, had elective surgery on her foot. I spent a pleasant day with her at the hospital. No, really, it was a pleasant day. She was greeted courteously at the admissions desk, answered a few questions, signed some forms that were completed for her, and was taken back to the surgery area. She had selected the surgeon, scheduled the surgery with only a short waiting period. The nurses were congenial and professional, the doctor and the anesthesiologist made us feel comfortable with their competence. Everything went smoothly and her group insurance is paying all the bills. Don't need no public option, thank you very much!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Why is the blue bird blue?
Why is the government dumb?
And what is it, we can do?
Stop it from giving away money,
And taxing me and you,
The problem is not funny,
It stinks a lot, P U !
Billions and billions of debt,
Bonuses for the rich,
Taxes is what we get,
No wonder life’s a bitch!
With the encouragement of our Government and big business, our citizens spent more than they had, lived beyond their means, and abused their credit. That was dumb; and it caused a big, ugly recession. To fix the problem, our Government borrowed billions of dollars and gave it away. That was dumb; and it devalued our dollar, mortgaged our future, and crippled our economy. We must stop this dumbness in our land. Write your congressman and senator. E-mail our President. Tell them to stop being dumb! Tell them to stop spending money they don’t have. And stop borrowing money to give away. Leave our free markets alone and they will again grow strong. We should make all our Government servants (yes, they are supposed to be serving us) read “The Wealth Of Nations” by Adam Smith. He was the father of economics. Our representatives need a refresher course.
The future holds a very big bill,
Get wise while yet you may,
The debit side is increasing,
In a most alarming way,
The things our gov did unceasing,
For them, we must all pay!
Fueled by President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package, the US budget deficit is projected to be $1.6 Trillion! Spending, borrowing, and debt are out of control. This is a dire situation. This is an unmanageable burden on future generations. We must stop the dumbness in Washington.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The poor among us are currently being taken care of by charity, existing government programs, and family. They are not starving to death,and they do receive basic medical care and shelter. It would cost billions of dollars (which the government cannot afford) to extend benefits to them similar to the benefits enjoyed by hard working people who have to pay for it.
Can anyone in their right mind think that the government can do something more efficiently than private enterprise? I don't think so! In this day and age, we are privatizing government services because the government cannot do it as economically. Of course, the government is needed for national defense, maintenance of infra structure, safety regulations, and enforcement of laws to protect our citizens.
Health care insurance is currently provided, primarily, by the Blue Cross Companies. Because of free market competition, they have become as efficient as possible. They pay out 95% of premiums in benefits. A 5% expense factor is pretty damn good. Also, for the most part, policyholders are happy with the service. The alarming increase in the cost of health care is caused by two factors: First of all, rapid development of expensive medical technology. Secondly, clients of medical service providers have no incentive to "shop" and to make reasonable economic decisions. Because they have insurance coverage, usually provided by their employer, they have no idea what services are costing. Furthermore, since they have the coverage, they say, "give me all those expensive tests and procedures_I don't care what it cost!" So, what is the solution? I think high deductible health insurance is what is needed. Let's have catastrophe coverage but not provide coverage for basic health care. If we did that, people would start asking, "how much does that cost?" and "Do I really need to have it done?" and Whoa, I think I will shop around. These are the questions that would put a brake on medical cost inflation.
Oh, by the way, because of the negative feed back from townhall meetings, Obama and Pelosi are now saying that they could accept a nonprofit health care cooperative as an alternative to a new government insurance plan. Guess what folks; Blue Cross is a nonprofit cooperative! I guess we already have the needed reform.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
A Revolutionary Sailing Ship
The first sailboats, which were used for thousands of years, used square sails and did not have a rudder or a keel. When a rudder, a keel, and a lateen sail were added, ships were “magically” able to sail into the wind! This was truly a revolutionary innovation created by the Portuguese. To understand how it works, you have to be knowledgeable about mathematics, physics, and aeronautics. The simple explanation is: wind pressure on the side of the triangular sail, opposed by an opposite pressure of water against the keel and the rudder, causes the boat to “squirt” forward; much like a watermelon seed that is squeezed by your fingers. Obviously, the ship can’t sail directly into the wind, but it can sail at a 45-degree angle to the wind. This allows it to tack back and forth and make headway into the wind. This was a very brilliant invention!
I love to sail for pleasure. It is my favorite summer pastime. I did not learn how to sail until I was 50 years of age. I bought an old Lightning and raced it (with a crew of 3) against other Lightning boats on weekends. It took quite awhile to learn the technique of sailing and to learn all the rules of racing. After 5 years of effort, I finally won the Captains’ Trophy; it was a proud day for me. Until that time, I capsized so many times that I renamed the boat, “OVER EASY”. I also had the embarrassing incident of running into another boat that had the right of way. A few years ago, I quit racing and sold the Lightning. Now, I enjoy sailing my little sunfish. It is a noncompetitive, relaxing activity.
I raise my sail,
And glide away,
With no travail,
I'm off to play!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Of course, they exchanged recipes for food, love, and life. Being a part of an all female party was an education for Jim and me. I can't share everything I learned because of the Cabana Boy's oath of confidentiality. But one thing that surprised me was their vast knowledge of male sports.
A difference between men and women was emphasized. Men have only a few things to say, then, they are done talking. Woman are never done talking. These girls talked all night and half of the next day! I was amazed at how much they had to talk about. There was never a lull in the conversation. In fact, I had a difficult time getting them to be quiet long enough for me to read a poem. Once I got started, they did seem to enjoy a Poetry Reading. Like I mentioned, these are sophisticated woman. I am looking forward to being their Cabana Boy at next year's party. Oh yeah, as to why women, who drink Pina Coladas, like to walk in the rain; I haven't the foggiest!
I have been studying women for fifty years and they are still a mystery. That is part of their charm.
Quick of Wit,
And very fit,
On my lap she likes to sit,
I like her a little bit,
A Bally Girl is really it!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Last Sunday night, two men fell off a pontoon boat in Devils Lake. Sadly, one of them died trying to swim to shore. The other man was able to swim to shore and is alive. I wonder, how the heck does anyone fall off a pontoon boat and why would they try to swim to shore? All of the facts are not yet known about this tragic accident; but I bet there was alcohol involved. They must have been drunk to do something this stupid. The lesson here is that drinking and boating is just as dangerous as drinking and driving.
For a long weekend, my wife and I recently traded houses with one of our sons and his family. They got to enjoy our lake house and we enjoyed staying in their Detroit suburb home. The experience emphasized the fact that the suburbs are totally different from the City of Detroit. Unfortunately, Detroit is bankrupt, filled with corruption, crime, and disillusionment. It has turned into a ghetto of uneducated and unhappy people. On the other hand, the Northwestern suburbs are filled with lovely homes and successful people. There are lots of great restaurants and interesting, fun things to do. Such a sharp division between the city and the suburbs is a worrisome thing. Lots of theories as to how and why it happened. Whatever the reason, it is a damn shame. It did not have to happen; I point to Chicago as proof of that.
Another thing I wonder about: Why do women who drink Pina Coladas like to walk in the rain? Tomorrow, I will be doing research on this question. Tune in next week for the answer!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
In his biography, he describes growing up in the Depression on a small farm in Oklahoma. He was in the army during World War Two, and took part in the D-day landings. He won the silver star for valour and a Purple Heart for being severely wounded by a mine.
Tony Hillerman had an interesting philosophy, "If one learns not to have unrealistic expectations, one will often be pleasantly surprised and seldom disappointed".
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
There are many other reasons for loving July: Grand children visit me at the lake. Fair weather sailing, Long walks on long days. And because of the lovely weather, I have more opportunities to meet people and make new friends. You can't have too many friends! "A friend is a rare book of which but one copy is made". And speaking of books, I enjoy reading on late evenings in July. All and all, July is the best month for me. I am damn lucky because we still have half of July to come. I refuse to think that half of July is gone!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Some of my favorite simple pleasures are doing things for others. Breakfast in bed for my loving wife. Watering Jan's flowers, helping a neighbor girl to learn how to water ski. Being a good listener for people with problems. Doing a favor for a friend. Being helpful and doing favors for others makes me feel good about myself. The simple pleasures make life worthwhile. Look for them and savor them!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Ironically, he died on the fourth of July, 1826. That was the 50Th anniversary of the United States and only 183 years ago. Have a happy and thoughtful 4Th of July!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I have discovered an entertaining and interesting way to learn about history. It is called the historical novel. The author uses real events as a background for a fictional story. A tremendous amount of research is used to provide insight into what people were doing during a particular time in history. A talented author can make history come alive! Three of my favorites are: Bernard Cornwell, Conn Iggulden, and James Clavell. Cornwell wrote a series of novels called the Saxon Tales. They are about ninth century England when King Alfred The Great battles the invasion of the Vikings. Iggulden wrote a series of novels about Genghis Khan and the Mongol empire of the thirteenth century. Clavell wrote a novel called ‘Tai- Pan’. It is a Nineteenth century story about English traders who turned Hong Kong into a fortress of British power. Try one of these authors for some exciting reading.
Some fascinating facts I learned from reading historical novels: Vikings were fierce warriors in battle but candy asses when it came time to shit in the woods. Their asses were so tender, they had to use soft moss to wipe with! ( toilet paper did not exist in the ninth century). Before going into battle, the Mongol warriors would get drunk on fermented goats’ milk. It gave them the courage to die for the Kahn! The English people became so addicted to Chinese tea, they authorized their sailing ships to smuggle opium into china to be traded for tea!
On June 24, 1509, Henry VIII was crowned King of England. How does this historical event affect us, today? Can anyone tell me? A hint, it has nothing to do with the invention of duct tape.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Here are some of the titles of my future blogs: Why Australian men like to do it down under. How to see Europe for free. Lose weight with large portions of fat food. Why Chinese woman pilot has crack up when flying upside down. How to become rich and famous by writing a blog. Learn the mysterious sexual position used by Genghis Khan.(it is performed while riding a horse!) When to use moderation while drinking and when it is better to just get drunk. The sure fire technique for improving your memory. And, last but not least, how to always have good joss!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Moral decisions cannot be made on the basis that some actions are right and some actions are wrong. These decisions must be made in view of the specific situation. It can get complicated! In some extreme emergencies, torture can be justified. A terrorist can force us to choose between two evils. Should we torture the terrorist or allow thousands of innocent lives to be lost? If torture could force him to disclose the location of a ticking bomb, we have a moral obligation to torture him. We are forced to choose the lessor of two evils. To not take action would be very wrong! In this case, the ends justify the means. In light of this, we should support our public officials when they are faced with these kinds of choices.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Everything in the world’s environment is changing at a rapid, exponential pace! Technology, business, politics, nature, traditions, and customs are all changing. The strange thing about all this: Day by day, nothing seems to change, but pretty soon, everything is different!! General Motors was the largest, most powerful corporation in the world; now, it is a bankrupt, struggling mess. Polaroid cameras used to be the only way you could create an instant picture. Then, digital cameras came along. Polaroid is obsolete. Deregulation of the U.S. airline industry led to bankruptcy of all the big airlines. Outsourcing by U.S. companies has led to a high degree of world- wide competition. Invention of a new investment technique called derivatives has led to the worst economic recession since the great depression. And the list goes on. We are living in a world in which the environmental landscape can shift quickly and unexpectedly. Are you ready for more changes? If not, send a check for $5.00 to me and I will tell you the secret of surviving the coming changes!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Psychologist tell us that moments of happiness occur when we are "in the zone" of doing something well, that is difficult to do, and that we enjoy doing. Unfortunately, we can not always be in the zone. So, we are not always happy, but we have our moments. General happiness comes from spirituality, love, and human relationships. It also comes from a balance between work and play. And, let's not forget that helping others makes us happy. And, Being moral and fair in our dealings with others makes us feel good about ourselves (happy). I suggest that you live, love, laugh, and think your way to the path of happiness!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What The Heck Is Going On?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Miracle Invention Solves All Our Problems!
Stops global warming by reducing greenhouse gases.
Eliminates the energy crisis by supplying inexpensive renewable fuel.
Motivates obese people to get skinny and healthy (lowers health care costs)
Creates enough explosive power to blow up Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Korea.
Does away with embarrassing noises and odors.
I have registered my invention with the U.S. Patent Office as, “Harry’s Backpack Flatulence Collector. It sounds too good to be true but it is based on known scientific principles and current technology. I have secretly tested this device on cows in Argentina; guess what, it works perfectly! Now that we know it is safe (and effective) the next step is to require all U.S. citizens to wear one for the common good of our country. You are probably wondering, how does it work? Since it is registered with the patent office, I am free to explain. The methane gas in your farts is a greenhouse gas, which is 25 times worse than carbon dioxide. By not releasing this gas into the atmosphere, we are reducing global warming. Methane gas used to heat our homes and fuel are cars will free us from dependence on fossil fuels. Fat people will be motivated to create gas (by eating more fiber) because it will be a credit against their taxes. Thus, we will have healthier people and this will reduce the nation’s health care cost. Think about this: 7 years of farts from one person creates the energy of an atomic bomb. 300,000,000 people in the United States could provide enough fire power to wipe out all our enemies. And, here’s the good part; our national defense budget could be reduced by 98%! A personal muffler and catalytic converter will result in a better smelling and quieter planet.
Yes, all this is possible by digitizing your ass gas into digital energy and transmitting it by microwaves to a huge storage facility in Washington D.C. We tried using our heads and look where it got us. It is time to start using our rear ends!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Let's not lose sight of the fact that no system will be perfect. Also, let's remember the ancient truth that the poor will always be with us. And, therefore, the uninsured will always be with us. These problems will be mitigated by charitable individuals and faith based groups who have a societal responsibility for unfortunate people.
The Freelance Thinker
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Why AIG Bailout Is Wrong
The Freelance Thinker
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Welcome Mr. Fero (famous author)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My First Blog
The Freelance Thinker