Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The ability to experience everyday life as uplifting! That is a wonderful bit of wisdom that comes with age. I am thankful for another day. I wrote a short poem about getting older: "I know a lot of dead people, And that's a bad sign, But I'm still alive, And feeling fine!" I was born before computers and the Internet. Nobody had aids or herpes. Nobody had semiautomatic weapons or crack. Those were the good old days and I was young and looking for adventure. Now, I am old and looking for triumphs of the mind. Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that happen to a man. Surprise! you are suddenly old. I didn't see it coming. But wait, I am not as old as my sister, Vonnie. She was born the same year as the Great Dust Bowl Storm. Also, that year, the Department of Justice offered a $25,000 reward for Dillinger, dead or alive. Peter Nero and my sister were both born on Tuesday, May 22, 1934. And, they both play the piano really well. It was a good year for piano players. On Saturday, May 23, 2009, we are celebrating Vonnie's 75Th birthday. She is much older than I am but we both feel lucky when we can find our car in the parking lot!

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say that it was really good to see everyone at my mom's party. I think that we should get together more than once every twenty years. Remembering back to my childhood, the memories of Uncle Harry and Aunt Nancy's visits stand out as very good memories.It is kind of sad that the triplets probably don't even really remember us.
    Thank you for the good childhood memories and hoping to see you all again soon.
