Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What The Heck Is Going On?

Wednesday has arrived and I do not have a blog subject. However, I have some questions. Everywhere I go, people are talking or texting on their cell phones. Constant communication about what? Why do so many people feel the need to talk when walking, driving, shopping, eating, going to the rest room, working, playing, standing around, etc. When do they think, listen, reminisce, wonder, have quiet time, look around and enjoy silence. I don't get it. Why are they doing this? What is this modern compulsion to have conversations going all the time on a phone instead of face to face, person to person? Most of the phone talk that I overhear is mundane, inane, silly, and serves no important purpose. If someone could explain this phenomenon to me, I would appreciate it. What the heck is going on??!!!


  1. Because it's their security blanket. Most people can't stand the peaceful silence for more than a moment or two. From what I've seen most can't stand to be by themselves without something to preoccupy their mind. If given the chance, of course they'd like to be comforted by another human voice rather than a video game or whatever else is in front of them in the real world. The unenlightened mind needs noise to distract them from becoming a better person.

  2. They are connecting with other humans. Probably better than communing with the TV or yelling at the driver in front of them . . . or blogging. It should burn itself out as the next can't resist fad arrives . . . which I hope doesn't involve shooting the driver in front with the latest one-handed laser machine gun.

  3. It's a way of hiding in plain sight. The "talker" doesn't have to acknowledge your existence. They can remove themselves from the world around them and isolate themselves in their own reality. Trust me, I work retail and 90% of these jerks ignore me completely.

  4. Because they can, really. There's also an entire generation that doesn't particularly care about its privacy, and lives a transparent life, entirely open to the world. There's a lot of mundane stuff being communicated anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
