Wednesday, February 29, 2012


My favorite political story is about Calvin Coolidge. Senator George H. Moses once complained to him that a man being considered for a Republican senatorial nomination was an out and out son-of-a-bitch! Coolidge agreed saying, "That may be, but there are a lot of those in the country and I think they are entitled to some representation in the senate". That is how I feel about Rick Santorum. There are a lot of religious fanatics in the country and I guess they are entitled to some representation in the senate. But I sure as heck do not want one to be President. Especially one like Santorum who has publicly stated that separation of church and state is a bad thing. He seems to be saying that he wants our government to be under the authority of the Catholic Pope. I don't think so. Even though I am not happy with our choices, I would rather have a Mormon President who is not trying to rewrite our Constitution. It will be very interesting to see what happens if Santorum wins the Michigan Primary. By the time you read this, we will know the results.

"Government is not reason. It is force, and like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.~ George Washington

"Governments are by far the most dangerous elements of a society ~
Niccolo Macchiavelli 


  1. Dear Thinking Michigander: As a Michigander in heart if not body, I was a bit heartened to see that there are still rational Michiganders going to the polls . . . at least 40 plus percent of them. Results and exit polls seem to indicate that many finally saw through the Santorum facade and noticed the Pope's Puppet underneath.
    Our nation desperately needs a president focused on our economic lives, not our sex lives.
    (Please also note that Romney's margin of victory would have been larger if not for those mischievous Democrats voting for Santorum in hopes that he'd be the guy Obama could beat up on in the fall.)
    TsarPat (righteously independent)

  2. Dear righteously independent,
    Thank you for your intelligent analysis and support. We think so much alike that I suspect we were born on the same day of the month and the same month. People born under the sign of Aquarius are extremely brilliant!
