Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Posted by PicasaHobbs has ceased to be, breathed his last, rests in peace, gone to meet the Great Cat in the sky. How sad it is that one of such kindness and intelligence has been taken from us. He was not a pet. We were his people. He was imperious but not a bully. He was a teacher of great patience. In fact, we learned so much from Hobbs; we called him the “brains of the outfit”. When my wife and I had a problem communicating, we would talk to Hobbs and he would relay the message. If we were stressed out, Hobbs would sit on our lap and purr when we petted him. He was a wonderful listener who kept us mentally healthy.

On the lighter side, Hobbs was playful and had a good sense of humor. We were entertained by his unusual habits. When it was bedtime, he would hide so that I could not find him. Then, about 3:00 in the morning, he would stand on my chest and stare at me until I woke up and let him out. He was also famous for taking all the best chairs in the house.  He taught me how to take a daily nap, which I found to be a really good thing. We loved to take executive naps together. I am sure it made us have a more productive day. He loved all humans but kept children at a respectable distance from him and a means of escape.

Of all the 6 cats we have had, Hobbs stands out as the very best. Nancy and I are both in mourning. About 5 years ago, Hobbs disappeared for a month. We missed him terribly. Then, he miraculously showed up again and we had a joyous reunion. This time, his 9 lives have been used up and he won’t be back. We are thankful for the 17 years he was with us. He was a big handsome grey cat with white feet and white chest. We loved him dearly.


  1. Sorry to hear about your loss. It is very hard to lose a beloved pet. When my dog died last fall, my vet sent me a poem. I will try and find it and send it to you. I turned Bailey's grave site into a garden dedicated to him. The bleeding hearts I planted last fall have come up. Actually having a funeral for him did help me cope with his loss.
    Again, my condolences

  2. My sincere condolences, Harry. May you find Hobbs II in short order.
    Tsarpat (a hater of cats but not their owners)
