Wednesday, March 31, 2010


My spring garden is planted. I am anxiously waiting for germination and growth. It is an exciting and hopeful time of the year. This morning I am planting two flats of purple and gold pansies in containers. They are so cheerful. They make me happy. I am known as the pansy man. Herbs have been potted and sit on the deck, waiting for the opportunity to make their contribution to my gourmet cooking. Yesterday, I created a scarecrow for my garden. It is a real piece of art that actually scares me. I hope it scares the bunnies and deer away from my lettuce. Ah, spring, it is the best season of the year. It is a time for rejuvenation and renewed hope. Optimism is rampant and people are encouraged. Forget the recession. Forget the government deficit spending. It almost feels like things will work out.

Another wonderful thing to look forward to is May first. That is when the dock and the boats go back into the lake. Sailing, sunning, swimming, laying in the hammock, it is all good! Soon it will be summer time and the living is easy. Sometimes, life is worth living. The winter of my discontent is behind me and I am ready for what is next. When I got up this morning, there was a beautiful full moon. It’s reflection on the lake pointed directly to me. It was an ancient promise of good things to come. I hope you have a happy Easter.

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