Wednesday, March 31, 2010


My spring garden is planted. I am anxiously waiting for germination and growth. It is an exciting and hopeful time of the year. This morning I am planting two flats of purple and gold pansies in containers. They are so cheerful. They make me happy. I am known as the pansy man. Herbs have been potted and sit on the deck, waiting for the opportunity to make their contribution to my gourmet cooking. Yesterday, I created a scarecrow for my garden. It is a real piece of art that actually scares me. I hope it scares the bunnies and deer away from my lettuce. Ah, spring, it is the best season of the year. It is a time for rejuvenation and renewed hope. Optimism is rampant and people are encouraged. Forget the recession. Forget the government deficit spending. It almost feels like things will work out.

Another wonderful thing to look forward to is May first. That is when the dock and the boats go back into the lake. Sailing, sunning, swimming, laying in the hammock, it is all good! Soon it will be summer time and the living is easy. Sometimes, life is worth living. The winter of my discontent is behind me and I am ready for what is next. When I got up this morning, there was a beautiful full moon. It’s reflection on the lake pointed directly to me. It was an ancient promise of good things to come. I hope you have a happy Easter.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


OK, America, Health Care Reform has been enacted into law. Now, everyone gets health care, whether they can afford it or not. Those who used to be able to afford it will pay higher taxes so that the government can pay for everyone’s health care. Then, no one will be able to afford health care but not to worry; the government will pay for everyone’s health care. Gee, I wonder if the Chinese will loan us that much money? Oh well, what the hell, all citizens are entitled to free health care so who cares if we go further in debt. Heck, we already have to borrow money to pay Social Security Benefits. What’s another hundred trillion dollars in the scheme of things?

All this has got me to thinking about Internet Access Reform. A recent pole by the BBC World Service found that 4 in 5 people around the world believe that access to the Internet is a fundamental right. Finland and Estonia have already ruled that access is a human right for their citizens. Dr. Hamadoun Toure, secretary-general of the International Telecommunication Union, said, “The Internet is the most powerful potential source for enlightenment ever created. Governments must regard the Internet as basic infrastructure – just like roads, waste and water. We have entered the knowledge society and everyone must have access to participate.” There you are; Europe will soon be furnishing computers and high speed Internet to all their citizens, as well as health care. If the United States is going to copy Europe’s government health care system then it is only reasonable to copy their Internet System. It is time for Internet Access Reform! Hey, Nancy Pelosi, are you listening?!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The Tea Party movement is not strong enough to deal with the current mess in Washington. Sipping tea ain’t going to do it. We need to take stronger measures against the self-serving, dishonest, irresponsible, spendthrifts who have taken over our government. That is why I have started the Whiskey Party (In honor of Saint Patrick's Day). Driven to drink by outrageous  deficit spending and enormous federal and state debt, whiskey drinkers are uniting to stop the madness. A bloated government is destroying the freedom that was given to us by the United States Constitution. We may be drunk on whiskey but the government is drunk on power. The government needs to sober up and become responsible. Our representatives need to start listening to the people who elected them. Whiskey drinkers are bellying up to the bar in order to organize fellow citizens to fight for Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and Free Markets. We are compelled to take action because runaway deficit spending is a grave threat to our national sovereignty and the personal and economic liberty of present and future generations. Please join me in a toast to common sense. Cheers and here's to ya! Have a productive Saint Patrick's Day with whiskey in the morning.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


For political purposes, President Obama has vilified insurance industry workers. He has demonized insurance companies. He has done this to promote his socialistic agenda. The truth is that for every dollar spent on health care in America, less than one penny goes toward health plan profits! The focus needs to be on the other 99 cents. The truth is that insurance helps millions of people to afford catastrophic health care expenses. The truth is, insurance underwriting practices that require individuals to be in good health when they buy coverage for future expenses is sensible. It is not a bad thing. The truth is, group insurance covers new employees regardless of their current health. The truth is our health care system is good and a cause for pride. The problem is costs are escalating so rapidly that some people cannot afford health care. That is what we need to address. We cannot afford to extend government health care to all the people who won’t or are unable to pay for it. That would bankrupt our already overextended government. Potentially, this would leave everyone without health care. Health care expansion is not the important issue. What we need to do is  reduce the cost without increasing the bloated government.

In recent speeches, Obama has said that his bill will “bring down the cost of health care for millions.” “It will lower the long term deficit by a trillion dollars.” Does anyone believe this?? The President’s words seem to obscure the bill rather than clarify it. He has a growing credibility gap and the public does not trust him. His bill is not worth saving. Americans do not want this bill. The only people who don’t seem to be getting the message are Democrat Leaders. The priority list should be the Great Recession and two wars. Then, let’s concentrate on reducing the cost of health care. Recklessly extending health care to everyone would be a financial disaster. The President says he is fired up. I would like to fire him for lack of prudence and judgment! Just my opinion.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The winter of two thousand and ten,
No satisfaction with its weather and events,
Disastrous storms and ballooning public debt,
Continuing recessions, both here and abroad,
Dissatisfaction with both political parties,
They fail to balance our budgets or do reform,
President Obama can’t stop smoking and spending,
We should take away our money and his cigarettes.

Discontent precedes change and that’s what we need,
Let’s vote out the current members of congress,
Replace them with congressmen, who represent the people,
Then we will get change instead of just talking about it,
Change for the better, that’s what we need,
Responsible people can do it, let’s do the deed!
When elections come this fall, get out and vote,
Next winter, I wish to be more content, let’s repent!

Government for the people, by the people,
Is that too much to ask for? I hope not!