Tuesday, May 27, 2014


By popular demand, I am writing a new Hairy Risk Taker novel about Hairy coming out of retirement to deal with the continuing existence of evil in the world. After solving the problems of terrorism, bankruptcy in the European Union, Declaration of war against the U. S. by a small Pacific island, California Indians threatening to sink Los Angeles into the ocean with an earthquake, Obama being controlled by Russian communist, and a rash of watered down drinks in American bars, Hairy retired to the Caribbean Islands with two beautiful lady bartenders. The new novel’s title is, Hairy Is Back To Save The World With His Amazing Tap Dancing And To Answer The Question “What Is The Meaning Of Life?

After a bunch of rum swizzles, many intellectual conversations with the lady bartenders, and hours of sunning himself on the beaches, Hairy was bored. He was anxious to get back into action. He decided to work on the questions of, “Why we are here and what is the meaning of life?” He felt that the world would be a better place if everyone on earth knew the answer to these questions. He decided to work on getting the answers. He also thought that everyone would be happier if they knew how to tap dance. So, he started a tap dancing school franchise combined with a school to study the meaning of life. Hairy felt like he was involved in a couple of worthwhile endeavors.

To be continued…   

Monday, May 19, 2014


Thompson needed help to deal with the President’s latest move toward the European socialistic welfare state. He turned to the Freelance Thinker for advice to save America. The Freelance Thinker, known just as “Free” at the Manitou Beach Institute for economics, is considered to be their best research fellow and all around good fellow. After Tom explained what the President was proposing, Free had some free advice for Tom.

He said, “What you should do is beat him at his own game. Form a new political party called The Red Herring Party and state that your platform is ‘A strong and just society that ensures that the wealth generated by all is shared fairly as determined by the state. This will be accomplished by progressive taxes on the rich to redistribute wealth from the winners to the losers. When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody’. You promise everything that is promised by the President’s policy, plus more. With this platform you can get your party elected and then, impeach the President!”

Tom said, “Yeah, but I don’t want to do all that stuff you’re talking about because that would be worse than what the President is proposing.”

Free said, “That’s alright. You will be a politician making promises and everybody knows they never keep their promises. Once you get your party elected in to power, you can renege and go back to the principles that made our country great. Lying and cheating is okay if it is done for a worthy cause. The end justifies the means.”
   And the plan succeeded and the U.S.A. continued on into perpetuity, thanks to Free.
                                                 THE END

A new novel coming soon…


Wednesday, May 7, 2014


After losing the debate with Tom Thompson, the President was reluctant to initiate another ridiculous campaign for a liberal idea that could be attacked by conservative Tom. But after a couple of weeks, the President was ready to promote another “way to the left” idea that would buy some more votes from the uneducated and unemployed voters. His plan was to promise equal income to all citizens regardless of their sex, education, or employment status. Not only free health care but free food and free alcoholic beverages for everybody and you don’t have to work for it. Who wouldn’t vote for that?! Oh, and everyone gets a free luxury car with a lifetime supply of premium gasoline.
When Tom asked him, “How the hell are you going to pay for all that?”
 The President said, “Simple, we merely tax all the rich people and give it to the unfortunate people who are not rich. Then we will have a society that is truly fair and equal.”

Tom said, “It’s not going to be easy but I will have to figure out a way to explain to all the stupid people why that cannot work. I’m going to need the help of the Freelance Thinker for this.”

To be continued...


Obama To Americans: You Don't Deserve To Be Free