Experts in psychology say that it is virtually impossible to
change someone’s mind with an argument. Researchers have proven, over and over
again, that misinformed people do not change their minds even when presented
with the correct, proven facts. In fact they become more strongly set in their
beliefs. Sometimes the things we think we know are objectively false but in the
presence of correct information, we do not change our mind. We just become more
entrenched in our original belief. It is threatening to admit we were wrong. We
have beliefs and a “set of facts” embedded in our mind and by golly we are not
going to change our minds!
That being the case, why do politicians spend billions of
dollars on advertising to change our minds? It is a huge waste of money. It
would be better to force politicians to pay this money into a national fund
that is used to teach our citizens how to think. We would be much better off if
we had more citizens who knew how to develop the ability to think. Too many
people have unjustified intolerances, hidden fears, and implicit
contradictions, all thrown together into a jumble of mixed up philosophy.
Education can help people to ask the important questions such as, “what is
right and what is wrong?” We need more citizens who know how to become well