If you don’t think you are lucky, you almost certainly won’t
be. Luck is interpreted and understood in many different ways. A common cliché
is, “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” That implies
that you can make your own luck. Another definition is, “Luck is good fortune
which occurs beyond one’s control.” That implies that luck is consistent with
the random walk theory of probability. And then there is the “Devine Providence
Theory” which says that God controls your luck. My own personal theory is that
positive thinking and faith in your abilities creates good luck. In other
words, if you think you will be lucky then, you will be lucky!
Sometimes what appears to be bad luck is good luck in
disguise. You must have the ability and confidence to make lemonade out of
lemons. We all know deep down that good luck is something that is both very
real and highly desirable. That is why it is important to have the positive
attitude that will allow it to happen. Look for the best in all situations and recognize
how lucky you already are. May lady luck smile on you!