Today's public education system is a failed, bureaucratic mess controlled by powerful teachers’ unions. The mission of the M.E.A. and the N.E.A. is to protect the liberal benefits and jobs of the teachers regardless of their effectiveness. They give lip service to improving education but that is way down the list of importance. Tenure has proved to be a barrier to getting rid of ineffective teachers. The cost of eliminating a tenured teacher with a poor performance record is more than $100,000. And there is no incentive to expedite the process which is drawn out to the point that few schools ever try to implement it. We need education reform to change the ways we evaluate and reward teachers. Rich benefits, June, July, August, and tenure without effectiveness should not be the only incentives to take up the job of teaching.
The unions have done a great job for their members (but not for the public education system). They would have you believe that teaching is the most important profession and a difficult one that deserves special compensation. In reality, no profession is more important than all others. Society needs a variety of “important” professions to run smoothly. And many of them are just as demanding, or more so, than teaching. Public education is only one of the things that have made us a great nation. Yes, teachers who are capable of competence and performance are extremely valuable for our future development. Let’s do more to attract and keep them in the profession. Also, let’s do a better job of urging the ineffective teachers to try another occupation. Here is a final thought to be considered: If you reflect on many professions, the best and the more qualified individuals are the ones who can teach and practice in their field. Maybe we need more educators like that!