Some people think failure is a disgrace and try to do everything in their power to avoid it. Actually, it is one of the best learning experiences that you can possibly have. It is not something to be avoided but rather something to be embraced. We can learn as much from something that does not work as from one that does. That is a lesson from science that can benefit your daily life. You should aim for success while being prepared to learn from a series of failures. A failure tolerant attitude liberates success. Something is learned each time things fail. You might say, it is a matter of failing forward!
Wrapped up in the idea of embracing failure is the related notion of breaking things to make them better. Often the only way to improve a complex system is to probe its limits by forcing it to fail. For example, software is improved by engineers systematically finding ways to crash it. Eventually, it is very difficult to make it fail. That is a part of the quality control process. The habit of embracing negative results is one of the most essential tricks to gaining success. So stop worrying about making mistakes. Get out there and break something! Have a failure and turn it into success!!